Occupation and restoration process of an urban wetland: hydrosocial territory concept application on a micro scale



Sanitation; Environmental justice; Social participation


This study analyzed occupation and environmental restoration process of a degraded urban wetland (micro scale), located in the Metropolitan Region of the Cuiabá River Valley, which covers the capital of Mato Grosso (Brazil). The history of occupation of the urban wetland (Jacaré Lagoon), the environmental characteristics, the social agents, the sanitation infrastructure and the political relations and perception of belonging of the social groups involved were integrated, having as an analytical tool the hydrosocial territory concept. This is an exploratory and empirical research, where interviews and participant observation were used, in community meetings and in the social media group, as well as bibliographical and documentary research. The results allowed the identification of historical phases of the occupation process, from 1970 to 2023. Of those interviewed, 20% have lived there for more than 33 years; all of them know the poor sanitation conditions and the importance of the lagoon. The process of lagoon environmental degradation reflects the historical and political model occupation, resulting in environmental injustices. Political relations are hierarchical and centralized in the local public power. The concept of hydrosocial territory can be applied at the micro scale, allowing the identification of different hydrosocial dimensions, as a reflection of the macro scale. The way the community interacts, with a strong sense of belonging to the territory, has been influencing the process of mobilization and motivation of the community to improve environmental conditions and achieve environmental restoration, despite the little culture of social participation.

Author Biography

Daniela Figueiredo, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso/PPG Recursos Hídricos

Graduada em Ciências Biológicas (UFMT - 1991), especialista em Biologia de Ambientes Inundáveis (UFMT - 1995), mestre em Ecologia e Conservação da Biodiversidade (UFMT - 1997), doutora em Ciências (UFSCar - 2007), pós-doutora em recursos hídricos no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Recursos Hídricos - PNPD/Capes (UFMT - 2014/18) e em gestão e governança ambiental, com ênfase nos recursos hídricos, na School of Geography and Planning (Cardiff University, Reino Unido ? 2018/2019) e, atualmente, pós-doutoranda na UFPA pelo CNPq, Programa Peld Darp Pantanal da Unemat desde março/23. De 1995-1998 foi analista ambiental e chefe da Divisão de Recursos Hídricos no órgão ambiental de Mato Grosso. Sócia-fundadora e responsável técnica pela empresa Aquanálise - Análises de Água e Consultoria (2000 a 2014). Atualmente é professora/pesquisadora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Recursos Hídricos da UFMT (desde julho/2012). Desde 2017 é pesquisadora associada e professora permanente do PPGRH. Membra-fundadora do Observatório de Governança das Águas do Brasil. Atua nas áreas de: i) limnologia e qualidade da água; ii) gestão e governança dos recursos hídricos; iii) educação ambiental.



How to Cite

Figueiredo, D. ., NUNES, S. de S. N., & De Paes, R. (2023). Occupation and restoration process of an urban wetland: hydrosocial territory concept application on a micro scale. Revista Geoaraguaia, 13(2), 1–29. Retrieved from https://periodicoscientificos.ufmt.br/ojs/index.php/geo/article/view/15955