Avaliação do mapeamento de suscetibilidade de deslizamento de terra em uma Bacia Amazônica via Lógica Fuzzy



Bacia hidrográfica, Sistema de informação Geográfica, Mamdani


The landslide phenomena cause great social and economic damages worldwide each year and are conditioned by several factors such as: climate, lithology and rock structures, pedology, morphology, anthropic action and others. Preventive actions such as the effective warning system and the establishment of areas susceptible to these processes are important because they can minimize the losses and damages caused by these disasters. Thus, the objective of this research was to elaborate a susceptibility map of landslides using the Fuzzy Logic that, in a qualitative way, provides a prediction of susceptibility and critical thresholds of alert scenarios for the Trombetas watershed using assistance from the Geographic Information System (GIS). The area of study is of low urban density, but of great economic interest, mainly in relation to mineral exploration and natural resources. In this study, seven input parameters characterizing the topographic, pedological and environmental conditions were included in the Mamdani type Fuzzy Inference System (FIS). The results showed the existence of areas classified as very low (14.11%), low (47.23%), moderate (35.08%), high (20%) and very high. (3.39%) susceptibility to slippage.


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How to Cite

Vieira, A. ., Pessoa, F., & Ataide, L. (2023). Avaliação do mapeamento de suscetibilidade de deslizamento de terra em uma Bacia Amazônica via Lógica Fuzzy. Revista Geoaraguaia, 13(1), 54–73. Retrieved from https://periodicoscientificos.ufmt.br/ojs/index.php/geo/article/view/14889