Análise Temporal do Regime Pluviométrico do Município do Congo no Estado da Paraíba



Precipitação, Hidrologia, Variabilidade Pluviométrica, Recurso Hídrico, Semiárido


Precipitation in the semi-arid region of Brazil presents a very irregular spatio-temporal behavior, causing a compromise in the water availability to serve this location. Understanding the hydrological behavior, that is, the rainfall variability of a place, is important to understand extreme events and guarantee water to the population in sufficient conditions to meet their demands. Within this context, the municipality of Congo is inserted, located in the region with the lowest rainfall in the State of Paraíba, which has been facing consecutive periods of drought. The research aims to carry out a statistical analysis of the city's rainfall rates through the historical series of 28 years and to understand its rainfall behavior. Data from 1994 to 2021 provided by the Executive Agency for Water Management (AESA) was used and statistical treatment was carried out to obtain the information. It was found that the average annual rainfall in the municipality is 413.5 mm, with a high standard deviation and a coefficient of variation greater than 50% in all months, inferring high variability in the rainfall regime in this location. From February to April it was the wettest period, from August to November the lowest accumulated values ​​were observed. Approximately 60% of rainfall events were concentrated with values ​​around or below the annual historical average. Effective and efficient management of water resources in this region is essential. Through the interpretation of the pluviometric regime, measures can be proposed in order to reduce or mitigate the conflicts inherent to water scarcity and list alternatives that encourage the population's access to water.

Author Biographies

Rubens Hayran Cabral dos Santos, Escola de Ensino Superior do Agreste Paraibano

Eng. Civil, Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão de Recursos Naturais.

Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Brasil.

Professor do curso de Engenharia Civil da Escola de Ensino Superior do Agreste Paraibano (EESAP) e da Faculdade Três Marias (FTM), Brasil.

Miqueias Eudes Nogueira Rodrigues, Faculdade Três Marias

Graduando em Engenharia Civil, Faculdade Três Marias (FTM), Brasil.

Edvaldo José Rodrigues da Silva, Faculdade Três Marias

Graduando em Engenharia Civil, Faculdade Três Marias (FTM), Brasil.

Elvinny da Silva Sousa, Escola de Ensino Superior do Agreste Paraibano (EESAP)

Graduando em Engenharia Civil, Escola de Ensino Superior do Agreste Paraibano (EESAP), Brasil.


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How to Cite

Hayran Cabral dos Santos, R., Eudes Nogueira Rodrigues, M. ., José Rodrigues da Silva, E., & da Silva Sousa, E. (2023). Análise Temporal do Regime Pluviométrico do Município do Congo no Estado da Paraíba. Revista Geoaraguaia, 13(1), 272–287. Retrieved from