O olhar de ícaro: um mergulho na tessitura do vivido em cidade nova



paisagem, vivido, Cidade Nova


through landscape analysis the nuances of life experience and how it is identified in the morphology of the landscape. Thus, the aim is to analyze the city landscape from the view of flying over Icarus, having as object of study the district of Cidade Nova in Natal-RN, which is affected by numerous urban dynamics that are expressed through the landscape. Based on authors such as Besse (2014) who treats the landscape through the analysis of the five doors of the landscape. The city in the perspective of Secchi (2006) as an organism that is in constant reconstruction and affectation. And to this end we carried out the analysis of the landscape of Cidade Nova, we made several fields to know the perimeters of the place and thus I could capture photos of the morphology of the neighborhood, and thus perform the exercises of approach and distance proposed here. In this perspective, the analysis of the spatial perception of individuals is a strategy that corroborates with the understanding and deciphering of the territorial texture of Cidade Nova from the analysis of territorial typologies in the neighborhood.

Author Biographies

Emilly Domingos da silva, UFRN

Mestranda em Geografia na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte.

Eugênia Maria Dantas , Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Professora titular do Departamento de Geografia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Professora do Programa de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Geografia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte – PPGe/UFRN, Professora do  programa de Mestrado Profissional em Geografia - GEOPROF. Chefia do Departamento de Geografia da UFRN. 


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How to Cite

silva, E. D. da, & Dantas , E. M. . (2023). O olhar de ícaro: um mergulho na tessitura do vivido em cidade nova. Revista Geoaraguaia, 13(1), 1–17. Retrieved from https://periodicoscientificos.ufmt.br/ojs/index.php/geo/article/view/14325