Difficulties for georreferencing of rural properties

a focus on family farming



Family Farming, Rural Georeferencing, Pato Branco, Land Regularization


The Brazilian land structure is characterized by the imprecision and uncertainty about land boundaries. 23.5% of Brazilian rural areas do not have information in Sistema Nacional de Cadastro dos Imóveis Rurais. In order to solve this problem, the Federal Government instituted the Law No. 10.267/2001, which obligates all rural property owners to georeferencing under certain deadlines. This article aimed to analyze the land regularization process by family farmers in accordance with the aforementioned law, verifying the obstacles to its realization and other aspects, from a qualitative research of comprehensive kind carried out in the city of Pato Branco, in the southwest of Paraná. It is concluded that, in order to implement public policy, it must be possible for producers to acquire greater knowledge on the subject, through lectures and congresses, in addition to seeking alternatives for those with low income in contracting this service. The need to reduce bureaucracy in the process that involves georeferencing is also highlighted, allowing a reduction in working time and consequently the cost of the service provided.


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How to Cite

Marcante, V. ., Zilli Peroni, B., & Batistella, D. (2023). Difficulties for georreferencing of rural properties: a focus on family farming. Revista Geoaraguaia, 13(1), 74–97. Retrieved from https://periodicoscientificos.ufmt.br/ojs/index.php/geo/article/view/14225