About the Journal

The Revista Geoaraguaia is an electronic journal maintened by the Geography ciurse at UFMT /Araguaia (In Mato Grosso state), which publishes national and international scientific works in the area of ​​human sciences, environmental, geosciences and related, which has been active since 2010.

It's a journal aproved by Qualis CAPES:

Qualis B3 - Geography

Qualis B2 - Interdisciplinry

Qualis B5 - Geosciences

ISSN: 2236-9716

Aims and Scope

Mission and Statement 

- Publish unpublished scientific papers in the area of ​​Geography and related sciences at national and international level;

- maintain and contribute to the level of quality of academic production.


- Encourage the exchange of ideas on the themes of Geography and related sciences;


- Act with professional ethics;

- Publish scientific quality papers;

- Watch over copyright;

- Recognition for the work of the Scientific Council, Editorial Council, Ad Hoc Advisors and Support Team.

Peers Review Process

Revista Geoaraguaia has renowed experts in its editorial staff.
Unpublished works are submitted to the peers with specialization in the scientific areas. Papers are sent to two or more researchers, depending on the theme's need.
The evaluation is done blindly, without identifying the authorship and the evaluators.

After the evaluation, the opinions are sent with the recommendation of evaluation, correction or disapproval. The Editorial Committee will make the referrals to the authors.

If the work is approved, after the correction, the articles go to the Diagramming phase. If necessary, formatting adjustments are requested from the authors.
After the layout, the works go to the Reading proof for general check list adjustements.


The journal is published every six months in June and December.

Free Acces Policy

The Geoaraguaia journal offers, public, free, quality and immediate access to the community in order to expand scientific knowledge.




Gerência de Ensino de Graduação e Extensão - UFMT Araguaia