Liderança comunitária: principais atribuições no apoio à administraçao pública municipal na cidade de Rondonópolis-MT


    Universidade federal de Rondonópolis (UFR)
    Universidade federal de Rondonópolis (UFR)


This scientific article has the general objective of analyzing the role of community leaders in supporting municipal public administration, analyzing their contribution to citizen participation and the strengthening of local democracy. The adopted methodology is of a quantitative and bibliographical nature, using the practices applied to the councilors of

literature review and analysis of documentary sources. This article presents the results of a survey carried out with eleven of the twenty-one councilors of the city of Rondonópolis. The survey consisted of assigning grades, from zero to five, by councilors to evaluate the work and performance of these leaders. The survey results revealed a varied view among councilors about the performance of neighborhood community leaders. Scores ranging from zero to five showed different levels of satisfaction with the work carried out by these leaders. The highest scores were generally attributed to situations with a good relationship between public power and the community, engagement in local issues and effective representation of the interests of the residents of their respective neighborhoods. On the other hand, some issues that had lower scores, reflecting a negative perception on the part of councilors in relation to the development of this relationship. Among the points mentioned as points for improvement are the lack of effective communication with the community, the lack of mobilization capacity and the lack of representativeness of the residents' interests.

Author Biography

ANDERSON SANTOS DA SILVA, Universidade federal de Rondonópolis (UFR)

Possui Especialização em Administração Pública e Gestão de Cidades pela Faculdade Anhanguera Educacional. Atualmente é professor de carreira na Universidade Federal de Rondonópolis, atuando principalmente nas seguintes disciplinas: Finanças e Orçamento Público e Contabilidade Aplicada ao Setor Público. (Texto informado pelo autor)

