The Scientific and Technological Development Program of Mato Grosso: the forecast that exists only in the law


  • Mário Sérgio de Freitas
    Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso (UFMT)


The Scientific and Technological Development Program of Mato Grosso foresees the creation of technology poles, financing concessions and fiscal benefits to obtain scientific and technological development, the elevation of the Human Development Index and the social well-being of the population of Mato Grosso. state of Mato Grosso. The general objective of the research was to find out why PRODECIT was not used. The research was qualitative in terms of approach and descriptive in terms of purpose. Data collection was bibliographical and documental. The state is building the Mato Grosso Technological Park in the city of Várzea Grande and the municipal technology parks of Sinop and Nova Mutum are respectively under implementation and in operation. The state tax benefit is related to ICMS and the municipal tax benefit is related to ISSQN, IPTU, ITBI and fees. Financing is hampered, since the law is ineffective.

Keywords: Scientific and Technological Development. Technologic Park. Tax Benefit.

