Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD): um estudo sobre à sua necessária adequação as empresas prestadoras de serviços contábeis



In order to protect fundamental rights, Law 13.709/2018 comes into force, therefore, knowing the panorama of adequacy to the LGPD of companies providing accounting services (offices) established in the city of Sinop / MT, constitutes the priority of this study. For this, the study was configured as bibliographic and descriptive of a quantitative and qualitative nature, having as a collection instrument, the application of a questionnaire, composed of 20 closed structured questions, aimed at accounting professionals working in the 83 accounting offices, obtaining 47 returns. As revealed by this study, these companies are in the process of adapting to the LGPD, it is clear that professional accountants have sought security measures to protect the personal data they collect, store and process in their services, as well as adopt various behaviors practiced that go against the guidelines outlined by law, however, some aspects need attention and implementation of actions in order to enforce, for example, designating a person in charge of processing personal data, implementation of control mechanisms, requesting data only for the specific purpose, to guarantee holders free access to their data, among others.

