Análise da conformidade para a classe 2 de enquadramento de corpos hídricos segundo o indicador IQACCME: O caso do Rio Bezerra em Arraias/Tocantins
Qualidade da água, Atividade minerária, Indicador de qualidadeAbstract
The present study aimed to analyze the IQACCME water quality index for the Bezerra river, in the municipality of Arraias/Tocantins (Brazil), under the influence of a phosphate mining enterprise. This indicator points out the degree of conformity of the monitored parameters to a certain standard or pre-established criterion, in this case, class 2 of classification of water bodies of CONAMA resolution 257/2005. Therefore, this work promoted a consolidation of historical data from the monitoring of water quality in the Bezerra river basin. The index applied in the analysis showed, in general, still satisfactory conditions of water quality in the springs in relation to the standards of class 2, despite relevant observations detected in relation to some of the parameters analyzed, with emphasis on the concentrations of Total Phosphorus . Therefore, the study concluded that there was interference by the enterprise on the quality of the waters in the region, however, the monitored water resources are still in acceptable conditions regarding the quality of their waters for the evaluated sample period, when compared to the standards of the class 2.
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