Vegetation and microclimate in open urban areas. Cuiabá, Mato Grosso - Brazil


  • Maria Corette Pasa
    Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
  • Lucas Henrique Vieira Lenci
  • Nhaára Da Vila Pereira
  • Rosenil Antonia de Oliveira Miranda




Green areas, Environmental comfort, Urban climate, Health.


The influence of vegetation on the reduction of heat in open urban environments by providing a milder and more pleasant microclimate is highlighted in modern science. The objective of this study was to evaluate the trend of microclimatic variables and thermal comfort, in the Federal University of Mato Grosso - UFMT campus, in open spaces (forest fragment, cerrado and paved) with and without afforestation. Three collection points were selected in open spaces (wooded and without afforestation) at the UFMT campus in Cuiabá. To record the data, we used the Alloet Thermohigrometer mini-markers, model TA-318 with 0.1%. The collections took place in May of 2018, period that begins the local winter. The microclimatic variables such as air temperature, relative humidity (%), wind speed, ultraviolet index and chance of rain were analyzed daily from 09:00 to 17:00 for 15 days. The results highlight the importance of the shade provided by the tree vegetation in the forest fragment, which revealed a significant difference for the thermal comfort in relation to the other sample points and without afforestation. The microclimatic parameters present variations of the temperature and relative humidity of the air at the points allocated, with emphasis on the thermal comfort sensation for the wooded area. The research also suggests new scientific investments in studies on urban micro-climates as a way to stimulate and raise awareness of the importance of vegetation in thermal comfort, which can directly reflect the health and well-being of people in general.


Biografia do Autor

Maria Corette Pasa, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso


Lucas Henrique Vieira Lenci, UNIR

Engenharia Florestal

Nhaára Da Vila Pereira, PPGCFA/UFMT


Rosenil Antonia de Oliveira Miranda, MESTRANDA PPGCFA



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