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Author Guidelines


The manuscript submission will be performed by electronic system (PPES platform) being necessary to be registered as author.

Types of manuscripts: Original Article, Review and Short Communication.

The manuscript must be formatted according to the guidelines for authors, following the templete available for download.

As needed, the Editorial Board reserve the right of request a certificate attesting that the research was approved by the Ethics and Biosafety Committee of Institution corresponding.

The manuscript submission to periodic ADVANCES IN FORESTRY SCIENCE implies:

- Not has been partially or completely published in another scientific periodic.

- Not has been submitted to evaluation in another scientific periodic.

- All authors must agree to submission.

- The information accuracy and the technical-scientific character are responsibility of the authors.

- The periodic ADVANCES IN FORESTRY SCIENCE is not responsible for any judicial proceedings that eventually be given to manuscripts published.

- The manuscripts published by ADVANCES IN FORESTRY SCIENCE in any modality (Original Article, Review and Short Communication) cannot be submitted or published through other form of scientific divulgation.

- All copyright must be assigned to Federal University of Mato Grosso.

- The periodic is not responsible for disseminating marks and commercial products that might be cited in the text, not featuring any type of recommendation by the Editorial Board and other Editors and Reviewers responsible for the periodic.

- The identification of plagiarism in any stage of the manuscript processing, will result in automatic rejection, precluding reconsideration request by the authors.



Stage 1 – All manuscripts submitted will be pre-assessed through a screening process by the Editorial Board. According to the need, the Editors reserve the right to suggest adjustments in presentation of the manuscript format.

Stage 2 – The manuscripts approved by screening process will be evaluated by three Ad. Hoc. reviewers. They will be selected about yours affinity, experience and expertise, which should be accordance with the manuscript theme.

Stage 3 – The first trial of the manuscript by Editorial Board according to opinions issued by the Ad. Hoc. reviewers. In the case there are two or more unfavorable opinions, the manuscript will be decline at this stage.

Stage 4 – Refers to corrections and adjustments of texts (only the approved in Stage 3) by the authors according the Ad. Hoc. reviewer opinions. During the send of the corrected text, the authors must prepare a response letter, where will be pointed all suggestions that were accepted or rejected. The suggestions rejected must be justified.

Stage 5 - Evaluation of the corrections authors by the Editorial Board, with the final decision. If necessary, the manuscript may be submitted for a new evaluation by the Ad. Hoc. reviewers.

Stage 6 – All manuscripts accepted to publication will be submitted to editing and formatting process, being reserved to the authors the right to proof reading prior to publication. After it, will not be allow any type of alteration or adjustment in scientific text.




Scientific articles can be written in Portuguese, Spanish or English, 
following the templete available on the link: 



 Basic Formatting

The manuscripts must be prepared using a standard word processing program, such as Microsoft Word. Use settings for standard A4 paper size (29.7 x 21.1 cm), with 2.5 cm margins (right, left, top and bottom) and all lines should be numbered. Manuscript should be prepared with simple line spacing, 1.0 cm paragraph spacing, justified text alignment and in 10 point type using Times New Roman font.

The maximum number of pages, considering tables, figures and bibliographic references, can not exceed 16, 20 and 8 to scientific article, review and technique note, respectively.


You can download the paper template on the link:  



Files to be submitted

1 – Scientific text, identified as scientific article, review and technique note. It should not present the author identifications.

2 – Covering letter containing complete name of authors, address and e-mail. The phone number of corresponding author should be inserted.

3- Indication of three reviewers from the submission area.




Original Article

Organize Original Article manuscripts in the following order: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments (Optional) and References. The Results and Discussion can be presented in only an item. All items must be bold formatted. Sub-items may be added to the text in italic format and only the first letter in uppercase. All items must be aligned to left and without paragraph.



Organize Review manuscripts in the following order: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Items and Sub-items, Final Considerations (Optional), Acknowledgments (Optional) and References. All items must be bold formatted. Sub-items may be added to the text in italic format and only the first letter in uppercase. All items must be aligned to left and without paragraph.


Short Communication

Organize Short Communication manuscripts in the following order: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion (including the conclusions in the last paragraph), Acknowledgments (Optional) and References. All items must be bold formatted. Sub-items may be added to the text in italic format and only the first letter in uppercase. All items must be aligned to left and without paragraph.


Description of Items



Centralized. Only the first letter of the first word must be presented in uppercase. Scientific names should be presented in Latin and without the descriptor. Show the title in English and Portuguese version.



Justified. Involves a brief presentation of the theme depending on the type of manuscript and must briefly cover the research topic, aims, criteria and statistical methods, main results and conclusions/recommendations. Minimum of 150 and maximum of 250 words. It must not present author citations.



May be presented a minimum of three and maximum of six keywords, and can not be contained in the title. Only the first letter of each word must be uppercase.



Must contain a brief presentation of the theme, highlighting the concepts/definitions, importance/justification of the study, as well as aspects related to protocols, techniques and procedures, emphasizing the originality and new research for the forestry sector. The introduction should be grounded in theoretical background of the last 10 years (except classical references). The last paragraph should present the objectives of the research.


Material and Methods

Describe all aspects related to planning, implementation, conduction, execution, data collection and statistical criteria during the experiment. It must be containing the maximum information and details for that the experiment can be reproduced.



All research results must be presented in a detailed manner. For it, you can use tables, graphs and/or figures.



The discussion must present the theoretical background of biological principles that influenced the observed results. Emphasize the advances that the research will can provide to the forestry sector. It must be grounded in theoretical reference of the last 10 years (except classical references and of considerable importance to the area of research).



The conclusions must be clear, objective and short. It should only respond the hypotheses tested, without describing the influential factors for a particular response or any type of additional explanation.



Optional. The acknowledgments must present the significant sources that contributed to conducting the research.



Cite all references into the text. Authors must cite preferably references of the last 10 years in order to meet the principle of advances in scientific knowledge in the research lines.



The title of the tables should be written in lower case (use Times New Roman font size 10) and placed above the table body, with only the first letter of the first word must present uppercase. Tables must be inserted in the text and it should present self-explanatory character. Footnotes could be included according to the needs. Use Times New Roman size 10. Identify the tables in chronological order according to the calls into the text (e.g.: Table 1, Table 2).



The figure titles should be written in lower case (use Times New Roman font size 10) and placed under the figure body, with only the first letter of the first word must present uppercase. All figures should present adequate resolution to ensure the information quality. The submission of figures must meet the JPEG or TIF formats. Scanned figures should have at least 300 dpi resolution. Identify the figures in chronological order according to the calls into the text (e.g.: Figure 1, Figure 2). Color figures will be accepted for online publication, however in case of printing will be used only pigments of black range, gray and white.


Citations and References

All citations of articles, books, Theses and Dissertations into the manuscript text must comply the following formats:

- Simple citation in the text: Gonçalves (2010);

- Single citation in parenthesis: (Carvalho 2012) and (Hunter 2012; Gallardo 2013);

- Citation with two authors in the text: Maldonado and Figueira (2012);

- Citation with two authors in parenthesis: (Maldonado and Figueira 2012);

- Citation with more than two authors in the text: Christen et al. (2013);

- Citation with more than two authors in parenthesis: (Christen et al. 2013)


Must be provided in chronological order of publication of scientific papers during the citation of authors, both in text and in parentheses (oldest to newest).

Will not be accepted the citation in the apud format, and the authors should consult the original references, thereby avoiding the potential spread of incorrect information.

References should meet at least 60% of citations of scientific articles.


References models



Amri E, Lyaruu HVM, Nyomora AS, Kanyeka ZL (2010) Vegetative propagation of African Blackwood (Dalbergia melanoxylon Guill. & Perr.): effects of age of donor plant, IBA treatment and cutting position on rooting ability. New Forests, 39(2):183–194. doi: 10.1007/s11056-009-9163-6



Hartmann HT, Kester DE, Davies JR FT, Geneve RL (2011) Plant propagation: principles and practices. 8th Edition. São Paulo: Prentice-Hall. 915p.


Book chapter

Keller ERJ, Senula A (2010) Cryopreservation of plant germplasm. In: Davey MR, Anthony P (ed) Plant cell culture: essential methods. London: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. p.131-151.


Thesis and Dissertation

Graner EM (2009) Morphophysiological evaluations of the development of pejibaye microplants treated with bioregulators. Dissertation, Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”, Universidade de São Paulo. 242p.



Kundu SK, Luukkanen O (2003) Genetic diversity and breeding strategies of the neem (Azadirachta Indica). In: XII World Forestry Congress, Québec City, Canada.



McCune B, Mefford MJ (1997) PC-ORD. Multivariate analysis of ecological data. Version 3.0. Oregon, USA.


Units of measurements and abbreviations

Adopt the International System of Units (SI).


Equations and formulas

The equations and formulas must be edited using software compatible with the text-editing program. All components of it must be described in detail, including showing its measurement units.


Specie names

The scientific name must be followed of the current descriptors and must be presented in italic and only the first letter of the genus uppercase.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The contribution is novel and unpublished and is not being evaluated for publication in another journal, otherwise should be explained in "Comments to the Editor."

  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format.

  • URLs for the references have been provided when possible.

  • The document is in Word file, paper A4, 2.5cm margins (left, right, top and bottom), the text file is simple spacing, 1cm paragraph; justified; uses Times New Roman 10 points, all numbered lines; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document as attachments. The file must follow the format of the templete available for download.

  • Indication of three reviewers from the submission area.

  • The text follows the stylistic and bibliographic requirements described in the Authors Guidelines, in the About the Journal page.
  • In case of submission to a section with peer assessment (e.g. articles), the instructions in Ensuring available by blind peer assessment were follow.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this periodic will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or third parties.