Sewage sludge and rice husk as potential substrate to produce Mimosa setosa seedlings


  • Julio Cezar Tannure Faria
  • Marcos Vinícius Winckler Caldeira
  • William Macedo Delarmelina
  • Erick Martins Nieri
  • Denys Santana Souza
  • Letícia Vaz Molinari




Forest seedlings, Organic wastes, Sansão de minas, Seedling quality


In the production of forest seedlings one of the main factors to be analyzed is the formulation of the substrate that meets the needs of the plants that will be produced. For this, the choice of substrate must consider the physical characteristics of the material, its chemical composition, as well as its availability, quality, easy handling and cost. This study aimed to investigate the potential of sewage sludge and rice husk for the production of seedlings of Mimosa setosa. The experiment was conducted in structures of a forest nursery, localized in the municipality of Alegre-ES, in 110 cm³ tubes arranged in a completely randomized design constituted by ten treatments with four replications of 54 seedlings per plot. The treatments were formulated using sewage sludge, raw rice husks and carbonized rice husk. At five months after sowing we measured plant height, root collar diameter, height/diameter ratio, shoot dry weight, root dry weight, total dry matter, shoot to root dry weight ratio and Dickson Quality Index. The substrates formulated with carbonized rice husk promoted the best results for all morphological characteristics analyzed. The multivariate analysis showed higher correlation of treatments with carbonized rice husk (T6, T7, T8 and T9) regarding height, root collar diameter, root dry weight, shoot dry weight and total dry matter. For the production of Mimosa setosa seedlings the best responses resulted from the substrate formulated with 60% sewage sludge + 40% carbonized rice husk.


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