The effect of fertilization at planting for Pinus elliottii and Pinus caribea var. hondurensis plantations and top dressing for Pinus elliottii plantations, in Guareí, SP, Brazil.


  • Rafaella Carvalho Mayrinck
    PhD candidate, University of Saskatchewan
  • Vinicius Gontijo Rodrigues Roque
    Engenheiro Florestal, Coordenador de Pesquisa e viveiros, Grupo Resinas Brasil
  • Antonio Carlos Ferraz Filho
    Professor, Departamento de Ciencias Florestais Universidade Federal do Piaui
  • Denilson Ferreira
    Gerente Florestal, Grupo Resinas Brasil
  • Goncalo Abecasis Castel’Branco
    Engenheiro Florestal
  • Rodrigo de Andrade Furlan
    Doutorando Unesp




Slash pine, Fertilizing, Resin.


Pine species play important role in Brazilian economy for solid wood and resin production. However, information about the effect of fertilization on wood and resin production is scarce. Thus, to investigate the relationship between different fertilization regimes on wood/resin productivity further, this paper analyzes the effects of two fertilizing experiments, organized in 2 parts. The first part is about the effect of 5 fertilization treatments at planting for Pinus elliottii(PEE) and Pinus caribea var. hondurensis(PCH), analyzed from two to eight years after planting considering volume, diameter at breast height, basal area, total and dominant height. The second part explored the effect of varying top dressing fertilization treatments on a 17-year-old Pinus elliottii plantation. For the first experiment, fertilization at planting contributed to substantial gains for the parameters evaluated for PCH. For example, volume was 58% higher for trees which received fertilization at planting, compared to the control group. For PEE, fertilization do contributed for gains, but they were not statistically meaningful for all the characteristics evaluated, but for basal area. In the second part, results showed that top dressing fertilization and harvest year had effect on resin production and the best treatment was the number 2. Thus, we concluded that fertilization application management must take into account the factors such as the time, the amount of application and the species being fertilized.

Author Biography

Rafaella Carvalho Mayrinck, PhD candidate, University of Saskatchewan

Departament of forest enginering.


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