Yield and economic feasibility of Eucalyptus dunnii stands under different management regimes

The aim of this study was to analyze volume yield, number of logs per assortment and economic feasibility of Eucalyptus dunnii stands under different management regimes. The stands are located in Fernandes Pinheiro, Paraná State, Brazil and cover a total area of 2.26 hectares, fragmented into three strata (treatments): A (8 years after coppicing regime), B (9-year old stand after two thinnings), and C (7-year old stand after one thinning). Diameters at breast height (d) of all trees and heights of 110 trees were obtained. The total height of the other trees was estimated by a hypsometric relationship. Tree volume was obtained through a taper function. For the economic analysis comparing the three strata, the periodic equivalent value (PEV) and the internal return rate (IRR) were evaluated considering an interest rate of 8%. The commercial volumetric estimates ranged from 156.61 to 375.53 m³ ha⁻¹. The stratum A yielded more logs, mostly for energy; stratum B yielded larger logs, and stratum C yielded similar number and volume of logs from all assortment classes. For economic analysis, PEV ranged from R$ 196.16 to R$ 1,255.79 ha year⁻¹, and IRR ranged from 12.73% per year (stratum A) to 21.35% per year (stratum C), based on a interest rate of 8%. It was concluded that the management condition of stratum C resulted in higher economic returns, with its product primarily destined for Sawmill 1.
All copyright must be assigned to the Federal University of Mato Grosso.