Observing in Physics and in the Arts


  • Sheldon Richmond Independent Scholar, Canada.


How do we as observers disentangle ourselves from the observed? In Quantum Mechanics physicists can not disentangle themselves from what they observe. The problem becomes: how do physicists interpret their entanglement with observations in their experimental situations?  Parallel questions occur in the arts. How does the audience disentangle itself from their observations of the work of art? We cannot. The problem becomes: is the work of art actually completed by the audience's observations?

Biografia do Autor

Sheldon Richmond, Independent Scholar, Canada.

Author of Aesthetic Criteria: Gombrich and the Philosophies of Science of Popper and Polanyi (Amsterdam, 1994) and A way Through the Global Techno-Scientific Culture (2020).




Como Citar

Richmond, S. (2021). Observing in Physics and in the Arts. Revista Outras Fronteiras, 8(1), 129–150. Recuperado de https://periodicoscientificos.ufmt.br/outrasfronteiras/index.php/outrasfronteiras/article/view/472