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Author Guidelines

Papers must be submitted exclusively through the Internet, respecting the following criteria:

• Be associated with one of the following thematic areas: General Administration, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Finance, Environmental Management and Sustainability, People Management, Public Management, Marketing, Operations, Planning and Organizational Strategies.

• Each paper may have up to five (5) authors in the correct order of authorship.

• The work must not contain any identification or indication of authorship in the “property” field and in the body of the work.

• The inclusion of authors will not be accepted after submission.

• Up to three (3) paper submissions will be allowed per author per year.

It is recommended that in the registration of the authors, in addition to indicating the higher education institution to which they are linked, the ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID - is also registered.



- Paper size: A4 (29.7 x 21 cm);

- Paper orientation: portrait

- Font: Times New Roman / size 12;

- Spacing: simple, the text being arranged in a column;

- Alignment: justified;

- Margins: Superior: 3 cm; lower: 2 cm; left: 3 cm; right: 2 cm.

- Pagination: Insert number of pages in the footer with right side alignment.

- Titles in upper case and subtitles in lower case

- File format: WORD.

- Standards: ABNT / NBR-6023

The first page of the paper should only include:

- Title of the work;

- Summary (200 words) and up to five Keywords that accurately identify the content of the article, or Resume (200 words) and up to five keywords that accurately identify the content of the article;

- Abstract (200 words) and up to five Keywords that accurately identify the content of the article.



It is considered that a scientific article is characterized by a scientific text that reports the results from a given theoretical or theoretical-empirical research that “[...] presents and discusses ideas, methods, techniques, processes and results in the various areas. of knowledge ”(NBR6022, 2003, p. 2).

 Suggested work structure:

- Introduction or Initial Considerations

- Theoretical Reference

- Methodological procedures

- Data Analysis and Presentation

- Discussion of Results

- Conclusion or Final Considerations

- References


The Journal Studies and Research in Administration (REP @ d) may make a Thematic Call for Articles with a specific Content defined by the Editorial Board.

 Suggested work structure:

- Introduction or Initial Considerations

- Theoretical Reference

- Methodological procedures

- Data Analysis and Presentation

- Discussion of Results

- Conclusion or Final Considerations

- References



1- The paper can have a maximum of 18 pages, including the text itself, illustrations and references.

2- References should be cited throughout the text according to the system (author-date), and presented in alphabetical order at the end of the paper, according to ABNT / NBR-6023.



As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify compliance of the submission against all of the items listed below. Submissions that do not meet the standards will be returned to the authors.

1. The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise it should be justified in "Comments to the editor".

2. The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format.

3. URLs for references were provided when possible.

4. The text is in single space; uses a 12-point font; use italics instead of underlining (except for URL addresses); Figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document as attachments.

5. The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors on the About Journal page.

6. In case of submission to a peer-reviewed section (eg articles), the instructions available in Ensuring blind peer review were followed.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise it should be justified in "Comments to the editor".
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format.

  • URLs for references were provided when possible.
  • The text is in single space; uses a 12-point font; use italics instead of underlining (except for URL addresses); Figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document as attachments.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors on the About Journal page.
  • In case of submission to a peer-reviewed section (eg articles), the instructions available in Ensuring blind peer review were followed.


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The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used solely for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.