Professionals in the financial sector must adopt a posture that seeks continuous development and the improvement of skills necessary to meet market demands. Therefore, such conduct must be based on ethical behavior, so that credibility, trust and professional recognition can be obtained. In this context, the present study has the general objective of identifying the perceptions of employees of a financial institution on ethics, from the perspectives provided for in the code of ethics of the banking institution, in which they carry out their activities. The methodology used to achieve this purpose was a qualitative approach of a descriptive nature, through field research, the sample being composed of 20 employees of a Financial Institution in the municipality of Cáceres/MT, using a closed questionnaire as an instrument , applied via google forms. The results showed that most employees know and put into practice the regulations contained in the Code of Ethics for Banking Professionals. However, they stated that competitiveness hinders the applicability of ethics, and this statement may or may not indicate a possible infraction, stating that the most ethical professional is not always valued.
Keywords: Professional Ethics. Financial institution. Code of ethics.
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