Morphometry of Caryocar brasiliense Camb. in homogeneous plantation in Cerrado region
Crown parameters, Individual tree, Crown modeling, Silvicultural managementAbstract
The objectives of this study was: to describe the morphometric aspects of Pequi tree (Caryocar brasiliense Camb.) in homogeneous plantation; to provide part of the necessary subsidies to the appropriate silvicultural management, in commercial cultivation. Also, to select the most accurate model to estimate crown diameter (CD) as a function of diameter at breast height (DBH). The data were collected together with the "Demonstrative unit of fruit species behavior in Cerrado", located in the city of Cuiabá, implemented by EMPAER / MT in 2004. To compile the database, in 2016, a forest census of 80 Pequi trees was carried out, with the measurement or estimation of biometric and morphometric parameters. The DBH data were applied to the selection of the most accurate model to estimate the CD. The statistics adjustment analyzed in the selection of the equations were: adjusted coefficient of determination (R²adj) and mean standard error (Syx%), besides the significance of regression coefficients (β) and graphical analysis of residues were observed. More than 50% of individuals presents bifurcation, with two to four trunks. Most of the trees have slender crowns, and reflect deep growth, but also large crowns, which express horizontal expansion. The adjusted generic model: , can be used to estimate CD and to regulate spatial occupation during the production cycle.
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