Condensed node proliferation technique (CNPT): a better low cost macro-propagation approach through mini-cuttings of Commiphora wightii (Arn.) Bhandari an endangered plant of Indian Thar Desert


  • Ashok Gehlot
    Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding Division, Arid Forest Research Institute, Jodhpur, Rajasthan
  • Atul Tripathi
    Regional Pesticides Testing Laboratory, Chandigarh, India
  • Jitendra Kumar Shukla
    Silviculture Division, Arid Forest Research Institute, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
  • Dhruv Kumar Mishra
    Silviculture Division, Arid Forest Research Institute, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India



Propagation, Tender shoot branches, Condensed Node Proliferation Technique


Commiphora wightii (Arn.) Bhandari (Synonym: Commiphora mukul) commonly known as Guggal is a perennial shrub/small medium-sized tree of Burseraceae family. It is valued for its moist, fragrant, golden oleo-resin-gum and its medicinal properties. Prevalent oleo-resin-gum tapping techniques and ruthless exploitation of this species has led to decline in natural population bringing it under Data Deficient‘(DD) category ver. 2.3 (1994) of the Red Data Book of IUCN. Its natural regeneration through seeds is poor in nature. Propagation by stem cutting has been tried with poor establishment. Propagation by air-layering has been tried with appreciable success but with the loss of potential branches, leaving the mother plant in injured state and open to infections. To overcome this problem, an approach by proliferating condensed nodes present at the base of tender shoot branches (TSBs) of plant has been tried. This technique, called condensed node proliferation technique (CNPT) had shown appreciable success with comparative very less injury and loss of potential branches from mother plant. Earlier efforts with the propagation of C. wightii form thin cuttings/explants through tissue culture had been either expensive or unsuccessful. The per plant cost of production through CNPT comes around INR 13.50* (With approximately 3000 plantlets production at the end of 08 weeks from plantation day of TSB; and 1000 TSBs are planted/day for 30 days with rooting success rate of 30%). If the plant production protocol of CNPT is extended as per the availability of TSBs the cost of unit plant can be further reduced to INR 3-4.


Author Biography

  • Atul Tripathi, Regional Pesticides Testing Laboratory, Chandigarh, India
    Assistant Plant Protection oficer


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