Characterization of the ecological aspects of species listed in Decree No. 785 of January 18, 2021, of the State of Mato Grosso


  • Ana Beatriz do Nascimento Marques
    Secretária de Meio Ambiente do Estado de Mato Grosso
  • Mariane Ribeiro Amorim
    Trajano – Inteligência e Organização Agroflorestal
  • Jaçanan Eloisa de Freitas Milani
    3Univesidade Federal de Mato Grosso -Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Florestais e Ambientais




 The abundance of native fields and forage plants in the Pantanal has favored the development of extensive livestock, the main economic activity in the region. The exercise of this activity has been jeopardized due to the reduction in support of native pasture through the invasion of dominant species. Aiming to regulate the management for the restoration of natural landscapes the Mato Grosso State Department of Environment created Decree No. 785/2021, which ordains for the restoration activities of the grassland formations in the Mato Grosso Pantanal. By observing existing gaps in the current legislation such as the lack of ecological information about the listed species, management and control methods as well as the possibility of evaluating socio-environmental aspects, this work aims to describe the ecological characteristics of tree and shrub species listed in Decree No. 785/2021, seeking to provide information that can complement the legislation as well as the terms of reference that guide those technically responsible for the management and control of species in native grasslands. . It was verified that the invasive potential of the species contained in the legislation is associated with intrinsic characteristics such as their propagation and seed dispersal; besides this, it was possible to list possible economic uses. The information obtained can be added to the available terms of reference as a guideline for the accomplishment of good management practices for the restoration of grassland formations.

