Towards conservation strategies for forest tree endangered species: the meaning of population genetic statistics


  • Enéas Ricardo Konzen
    Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura, Universidade de São Paulo




Molecular markers, Conservation genetics, Global warming, Forest fragmentation.


Forest tree species normally hold high levels of genetic diversity. Nevertheless, these ecosystems have been seriously threatened by fragmentation and intensive exploitation as well with the phenomenon of global warming. It has created a huge demand for the development of conservation strategies for endangered species. Population genetic statistics are very useful indicators of the genetic status of a species and can be applied for conservation, sustainable management and breeding. Thereby, here are reviewed and discussed how estimates such as mean number of alleles (A), heterozigosity (Ho and He), fixation index (F), outcrossing rate (t), gene flow (Nm) and genetic differentiation (FST, GST, genetic distance) can assist in the development of a conservation program for tree species. The molecular techniques which can be employed to accurately determine such parameters are also highlighted. Furthermore, the most advanced techniques regarding molecular characterization are pointed out. Finally, some hypothetical situations are listed and the applicability of each population genetic statistics for trying to give a solution for each problem is described.

Author Biography

Enéas Ricardo Konzen, Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura, Universidade de São Paulo

Graduação em Engenharia Florestal na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - principals trabalhos em melhoramento florestal e recursos genéticos/genética de populações

Mestrado em Ciências - Biologia na Agricultura e no Ambiente (Universidade de São Paulo) - ênfase em produção e avaliação de sementes, genética clássica, seleção, melhoramento, marcadores moleculares

Doutorado em andamento - Biologia na Agricultura e no ambiente (Universidade de São Paulo) - ênfase em melhoramento genético para tolerância a fatores abióticos, marcadores moleculares, expressão gênica, análise de QTLs, transformação de plantas


