Avifauna as a possible indicator of the resilience of degraded areas


  • Aurélio Padovezi apadovezi@gmail.com
  • Ricardo Ribeiro Rodrigues rrresalq@usp.br
  • Micheli Angélica Horbach michelihorbach@yahoo.com.br




Forest restoration, Jaccard similarity coefficient, Forest fragmentation.


Avifauna is an indicator of ecosystems alterations with the potential to point the resiliency of a specific degraded area, here understood as the ability of self-recovery. This study aimed to evaluate the presence and diversity of avifauna as an indicator of resiliency in four different degraded areas. For avifauna evaluation a study was conducted in four areas located in the Campestre microbasin, Saltinho-SP. We assessed the Jaccard similarity coefficient and the avifauna contribution for the potential of self-recovering per area. The diversity of habitats and degradation presented a strong influence on avifauna contribution for the potential of self-recovering and in avifauna diversity. The insectivorous species were the most frequent in the areas. Furthermore, there were species similarity between the swamp and shrub areas and between riparian and forest areas.

Author Biography

Micheli Angélica Horbach, Unioeste

Possui graduação em Engenharia Florestal pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (2006), mestrado em Engenharia Florestal pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (2008) na área de silvicultura e doutorado em Recursos Florestais pela Escola Superior de Agricultura"Luiz de Queiroz"(ESALQ/USP) na área de conservação de ecossistemas e restauração florestal. Atualmente está no programa de pós-doutorado pela Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (Unioeste)

