A brief introduction to the philosophy of meta-reality


  • Gary Hawke alethic.coaching@gmail.com
    Editora Sustentável


Spirituality, meta-Reality, Bhaskar


Bhaskar’s Philosophy of meta-Reality (PMR) referred to as his spiritual turn, first began with his book From East to West: Odyssey of a Soul (2015b the second edition), and continued within the three main books of meta-Reality. This paper attempts to place PMR within the stream of Critical Realism (CR) and introduce to the reader two of the most importance elements of PMR, nonduality and the theory of transcendence. PMR further suggests that the serious of our philosophy in theory and practice comes from the account that it can make for its power of emancipation.

Keywords: Spirituality, meta-Reality, Bhaskar

Biografia do Autor

Gary Hawke, Editora Sustentável

Greenwich. His work has seen him provide dramatherapy for the homeless, people dealing with substance misuse, children, young adults on the autistic spectrum, the elderly and corporate clients. He began to integrate critical realism into his therapy work in 2012 and was support by Roy Bhaskar in developing a critical realism therapeutic approach called alethic coaching. In 2013 and 2014, he presented on the alethic coaching model at the international conference on critical realism, since then he has delivered a number of presentations on the model to students at the Institute of Education in London. In 2014, he worked with Roy Bhaskar on a video project, which aimed to introduce the three stages of critical realism to a wider audience. Gary is currently working with the transcription of the video series and hopes to publish the text as a Beginners Guide to Critical Realism. E-mail: alethic.coaching@gmail.com


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Como Citar

HAWKE, G. A brief introduction to the philosophy of meta-reality. Polifonia, [S. l.], v. 23, n. 33, p. 29–36, 2016. Disponível em: https://periodicoscientificos.ufmt.br/ojs/index.php/polifonia/article/view/3857. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.