Nativa, Sinop, v. 9, n. 1, p. p. 123-128, jan./fev. 2021.
Pesquisas Agrárias e Ambientais
DOI: ISSN: 2318-7670
Fernando Ferreira Lima dos SANTOS1*, Leticia Cardoso Madureira TAVARES1, Guilherme de Moura
ARAÚJO2, Lucas de Lima Casseres dos SANTOS1, Caio Picinin Rocha Affonso NOGUEIRA3,
Matheus Santos BACHINI3, Marcos Alexandre TEIXEIRA3
1Departamento de Engenharia Agrícola, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, MG, Brasil.
2Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, University of California, Davis, CA, United States.
3Departamento de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, RJ, Brasil.
(ORCID: 0000-0002-0946-6005; 0000-0002-5028-0931; 0000-0002-3846-9387; 0000-0002-2959-0062;
0000-0002-1769-6863; 0000-0001-6359-0560; 0000-0003-2604-6616)
Recebido em 30/09/2019; Aceito em 08/02/2021; Publicado em 25/02/2021.
ABSTRACT: Nowadays, the global water crisis poses a great challenge to humanity and a risk to be managed
by future generations. In order to use this resource consciously, it is known in the area of agricultural irrigation
the need to evaluate the amount of water to be used. Among the soil moisture content determination methods,
sensors, coupled to a programmable logic controller, emerge as an alternative to conventional laboratory
methods, making the procedure faster and less labor intensive. In this sense, the present work aimed to evaluate
the reliability and precision of a low-cost sensor to determine soil moisture content. It was concluded that the
evaluated sensors did not present a known precision to estimate the level of soil moisture content. A FC-28
sensor coupled with a Arduino platform was used with three different soils (texture: low, medium and heavy),
moisture ranging from 15 to 50%. The results indicated that soil texture influenced the readings, even at the
same humidity. In addition, the evaluated sensors did not present replicability nor accuracy for less them 10%
moisture differences. Therefore, there is need to calibrate each sensor individually.
Keywords: arduino; irrigation; embedded systems.
Análise de confiabilidade e calibração do sensor de umidade do solo FC-28
montado em plataforma microcontroladora
RESUMO: Atualmente, a crise hídrica mundial representa um grande desafio à humanidade e um risco a ser
gerenciado pelas gerações futuras. De forma a utilizar este recurso de forma consciente, estudos na área de
irrigação agrícola apontam a necessidade de se estimar com precisão a quantidade de água a ser usada. Dentre
os métodos de determinação da umidade do solo, os sensores, acoplados a um controlador lógico programável,
surgem como uma alternativa aos métodos convencionais de laboratório, tornando o procedimento mais rápido
e menos trabalhoso. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho avaliou a confiabilidade e precisão de um sensor de
baixo custo para determinação da umidade do solo. Um sensor FC-28 associado à uma plataforma Arduino foi
usado em três tipos diferentes de solos (texturas: leve, dia e pesada), umidades variando de 15 a 50%.
Concluiu-se que os sensores avaliados não apresentaram boa precisão para estimar o grau de umidade dos solos.
A textura do solo influenciou diretamente as leituras dos sensores, mesmo para a mesma umidade. Além de
não apresentaram replicabilidade nem precisão para diferenças menores de 15% nos valores de umidades.
Portanto, é necessário calibrar cada sensor individualmente.
Palavras-chave: arduino; irrigação; plataformas embarcadas.
The World Economic Forum listed the water crisis as the
most devastating global risk. Considered an essential
component for the preservation of the present and future
generations, it is necessary that water is used with increasingly
parsimony (ROCCARO; VERLICCHI, 2018; JINDAL et al.,
2017). Thus, the design of agricultural production systems
that are environmentally and economically sustainable is of
paramount importance (PAYERO et al., 2017). For this, an
adequate evaluation of soil moisture content is essential to
estimate the amount of water to be irrigated during the
cultivation of a given crop.
Currently, there are several methods used to determine
soil moisture content (at laboratory and field levels), however
there is no consensus among the field experts. According to
Pouso (2012), the choice of method should consider the
objectives desired by the researcher and/or producer, the
project or product, the desired precision level, and other
factors that may limit their choice. Klar (1988) reports that all
methods used to determine soil moisture have limitations:
either as their accuracy, or because they are expensive or
excessively time-consuming. Libradi (1999) confirms the
mentioned limitations and emphasizes the high level of
complexity of some methods.
Confidence analysis and calibration of a FC-28 soil moisture sensor mounted on a microcontroller platform
Nativa, Sinop, v. 9, n. 1, p. 123-128, jan./fev. 2021.
Within this context, the emergence of faster alternative
methods, based on sensors, has been gaining more and more
prominence. In general, soil moisture measurement methods
using sensors are based on the measurement of soil dielectric
properties, which are directly correlated to soil water content
around sensor probes (WILL; ROLFES, 2013).
The coupling of a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
to the soil moisture sensor allows the development of more
precise plant cultivation systems, allowing a more efficient
and real-time monitoring. The PLC can be used to automate
crop irrigation by controlling the water flow to maintain the
ideal levels of moisture required for the plant growth
(EUSTAQUIO et al., 2016).
In addition, the use of a PLC allows a higher sampling
frequency, since measurements can be taken at any time, with
no need to go to the field. Another advantage of the use of
sensors is the possibility of performing sampling in large
areas, requiring only a greater number of sensors connected
to a monitoring system through wireless connection.
The soil moisture content sensors model FC-28 have
been used in several studies in the last few years, emphasizing
the implementation in precision agriculture systems for the
monitoring of soil moisture content in agriculture
(GADDAM et al., 2014; VANI; RAO, 2016). Some of the
key factors for its popularization are its low cost, ease to
operate and the possibility of fast data acquisition.
In general, for any type of sensor, its performance and
accuracy are important. Studies recommend that universal
calibrations provided by sensor manufacturers (if available)
should be carefully evaluated in laboratory tests. This is
mainly due to the local characteristics where the calibrations
of the manufacturers were carried out. Factors such as the
presence of plant roots, rocks, climatic conditions and
different soil textures directly affect the calibration of the
sensors (EVETT et al., 2006; LOGSDON, 2009; RÜDIGER
et al., 2010; MITTELBACH et al., 2011).
In this sense, this work aimed to evaluate the reliability
and precision of a low-cost soil moisture sensor. For this, the
following hypotheses were evaluated: a) Does soil texture
influences the sensor reading, which would imply the need to
elaborate calibration equations for different soil textures; b)
Are there differences within sensors of the same model at a
statistical significance, in such a way that it is possible to use
a single equation to all sensors of the same model.
2.1. Experimental Site
The project was developed in the Laboratory of
Drainage, Irrigation and Environmental Sanitation
(LaDISan) of the Department of Agricultural and
Environmental Engineering (TER1), located at Praia
Vermelha Campus, Fluminense Federal University, Niterói-
RJ, Brazil. Located approximately in the geographical
coordinates 22. 90º S; 43. 13º W.
2.2. Programmable Logic Controller
The Programmable Logic Controller adopted was an
Arduino UNO®, with 14 digital data input/output pins (6 of
which can be used as PWM output), 6 pins of analog data
input/output with a resolution of 10 bits (≈ 4.9 mV/bit),
flash memory (memory for data storage) equal to 32 KB,
microcontroller chip ATmega328 and 3.3 or 5.0 V operating
voltage (MOWAD et al., 2014).
2.3. Sensors and Modules
In this work, three soil moisture sensors of the model FC-
28 from Glyduino manufacturer, were used. The FC-28
sensors are composed of 4 pins: a digital communication pin,
an analogical communication pin, a VCC (Common Voltage
Collector) pin and a common ground pin. This model
consists of two parts: a probe composed of two electrodes
that remains in direct contact with the soil, and a small
module that contains a comparator chip, model LM393,
which is responsible for receiving data from the probe,
processing and sending it to the microcontroller.
The electrodes are responsible to measure the electric
potential difference, caused by the resistance to the electric
current flow in the ground. The data obtained are measured
in bits (analog values) by the sensor. (KOLAPKAR et al.,
2016; RATHORE; SINGH, 2015). The sensor principle of
operation is based on the application of an electrical signal,
through one of the electrodes of the probe through the
ground, which travels through the soil and reaches the
second electrode of the probe. The electric potential
difference between the applied signal and the one that is
received by the second electrode is caused by the resistance
of the soil, located between the electrodes of the probe, to
the passage of electric current. Therefore, the wetter the soil
is, the lower the resistance to the passage of electric current,
and vice-versa. In this work, the soil relative humidity data
were used to calibrate the sensors and to evaluate their
accuracy. In addition, to ease the data acquisition an LCD
display model RT162-7 was installed to inform the measured
soil moisture content in real-time.
2.4. Experimental Proceedings
Three soil types with different textures were used (sandy
soil, medium texture soil and clay soil). The granulometric
analysis and textural classification of the samples were
performed by the pipette method, according to the
methodology proposed by EMBRAPA (1997).
Initially, the soil samples were placed in crucibles, and
saturated. An air oven model Ethik Technology-404 was used
to dehumidify the samples. The experimental design adopted
was a 2x2 factorial with blocking by sensor. There were two
factors, being factor A the soil type (sandy, medium and
clayey); and factor B the soil moisture content (15, 28, 38 and
52%); the experimental units were the crucibles, with
approximately 300 g of soil. There were performed 15
replications for each factor-level combination. The
randomization rule for a factorial design with blocks was
performed and the average waiting time for data acquisition,
adopted by the authors, was of 45 s. The samples had their
moisture content estimated by the sensors and determined by
the standard air oven method (MPUE) at 105 ± 1 oC for 48
h (EMBRAPA, 1997). The determination of soil moisture
content by means of the MPUE was carried out by the
following equation (Equation 1).
U = Mu - Ms
Ms (01)
Santos et al.
Nativa, Sinop, v. 9, n. 1, p. 123-128, jan./fev. 2021.
where: U = percentage of soil moisture (%, dry basis); Mu = mass
of the wet sample (kg); Ms = mass of the dry sample (kg).
After filtering the data as a function of the mean values
obtained by the sensors and the actual reference values, a
calibration curve was adjusted for the soil moisture sensor by
linear regression, represented in the following equation
(Equation 2).
U = β
+ β
.V (02)
where: Us = percentage of soil moisture determined by the sensor
(%, dry basis); V = voltage read by the sensor (V); β
e β
estimated parameters for the calibration equation.
In order to verify the suitability of the proposed model, a
residuals plot (residuals vs. fit) analysis was performed, as well
as an analysis of residuals normality by the Anderson-Darling
test = 5%) and a heteroscedasticity analysis (constancy in
variance) using the Breusch-Pagan test = 5%). Inferential
statistics were used to obtain a confidence interval for the
estimated parameters of the regression equation, with the
bands of the regression curve being calculated by the
Working-Hotelling coefficient. A two-way ANOVA was
performed in order to evaluate the replicability of the sensors
and to verify the influence of soil texture on the reading
performed by the sensors. For the cases in which a significant
difference between the averages was verified (F test), the
Tukey test = 5%) was performed. In order to evaluate
whether there was a correlation between the values of
moisture content, measured by the sensors, and the values
determined by the MPUE, a Pearson correlation was
performed. The error of the sensors to estimate the soil’s
moisture content was evaluated by calculating its root mean
square error (RMSE), through the following equation
(Equation 3).
RMSE = 󰇡Ueexp- Uepre󰇢2
N (03)
where: RMSE = root mean square error; Ue exp = Experimental soil
moisture as determined by the MPUE (%, dry basis); Ue pre = Soil
moisture predicted by the sensor calibration curve (%, dry basis); N
= Number of experimental data.
CO =C
 (04)
em que: CO2eq = dióxido de carbono equivalente (Mg.ha-1.ano-1); C
= quantidade de carbono estocado; 44 = massa atômica do CO2; 12
= massa atômica do C.
First, the hypothesis that the sensors could present
significant difference between each other (replicability) was
investigated in order to estimate the percentage of soil
moisture. The results are shown in Table 1.
For all the series of data sampled, sensors 2 and 3 did not
present significant statistical difference between each other
(Table 1). However, sensor 1 differs from the other sensors
in 6 of the 12 analyzed samples.
The results concerning the influence of soil texture on the
readings performed by the sensors are presented in Table 2.
In general, the values read by the sensors differ
significantly depending on the soil texture, supporting the
initial hypothesis (Table 2). Therefore, in order to use this
sensor properly, the user would need to have prior
knowledge of the soil type in which the sensor will be
Table 1. Replicability test of the sensors.
Tabela 1. Teste de replicabilidade dos sensores.
Soil Water
Average Sensor Voltage
(V) p-
15 2,42 2,38 2,39 0,624
28 2,97a 2,21b 2,11b 7x10-7
38 4,85 4,65 4,61 0,160
52 5,00 5,00 5,00 -
15 1,89 1,90 1,89 0,930
28 2,86c 2,35d 2,38d 0,000
38 3,93c 3,67d 3,68d 0,008
52 5,00 5,00 5,00 -
15 1,40e 1,51f 1,52f 0,006
28 2,51e 1,94f 1,93f 0,000
38 4,69e 4,17f 4,12f 0,013
52 4,99 4,99 4,99 0,244
Means followed by the same letter in the line do not differ significantly at
the 5% level by the Tukey test, "-" indicates that there was no variation in
the replications of each mean.
Table 2. Evaluation of soil texture influence in the readings
performed by the sensors.
Tabela 2. Avaliação da influência da textura do solo nas leituras
realizadas pelos sensores.
Soil Water
Average Sensor Voltage (V)
texture soil
1,89b 1,40c
S2 2,38a
1,90b 1,51c
S3 2,39a
1,89b 1,52c
2,86de 2,51e
S2 2,21de
2,35d 1,94e
S3 2,11de
2,38d 1,93e
4,85f 3,93g 4,69f
S2 4,65f 3,67g 4,17h
S3 4,61f 3,68g 4,12h
5,00i 5,00i 4,99j 4,6x10-9
S2 5,00i 5,00i 4,99j
S3 5,00i 5,00i 4,99j
Means followed by the same letter in the line did not differ significantly at the 5%
level by the Tukey test.
3.1. Sensors Calibration
The results of the correlation between the values read by
the sensors and the values determined by the MPUE are
presented in Table 3.
The voltage values measured by the sensors and the
values determined by the MPUE were classified as very
strong correlation (-1.0 <r <0.90 or 0.90 <r <1.0) according
to the classification proposed by Hinkle et al. al. (2003). The
values in parentheses (p-value) located below the values of
the correlation coefficient indicated that all correlations were
significant by the t test (p <0.05), proving that there is a
strong correlation between the values measured by the sensor
and the expected moisture content of the soil.
Confidence analysis and calibration of a FC-28 soil moisture sensor mounted on a microcontroller platform
Nativa, Sinop, v. 9, n. 1, p. 123-128, jan./fev. 2021.
Table 3. Correlation between the values read by the sensors and the
values determined by the MPUE.
Tabela 3. Correlação entre os valores lidos pelos sensores e os
valores determinados pelo MPUE.
Soil texture
Sensor readings and MPUE Correlation
value in brackets)
/ Sensor 1 Sensor 2 Sensor 3
Sandy Soil -0,9348 -0,9348 -0,9366
(0,0198) (0,0189) (0,0190)
Texture Soil
-0,9865 -0,9638 -0,9652
(0,0003) (0,0019) (0,0018)
Clayey Soil -0,9588 -0,9600 -0,9608
(0,0025) (0,0024) (0,0023)
To evaluate the goodness of fit, three different
calibrations were performed, considering the voltage values
measured by the sensors and the soil texture. The mean
voltage values measured by the sensors were plotted together
with their respective values of moisture content, determined
by the standard official methodology in Brazil for the
determination of the moisture content, the results are
presented in Figure 1.
It can be seen from Table 4 that all soil types presented a
negative slope for regression (β1), which confirms the results
obtained previously. In addition, constant variance (p-value>
α) of the sample residuals was observed by the Breush-Pagan
test, indicating the adequacy of the adopted model. The
normality assumption was not met for any type of soil (p-
value> α), however, as the size of the sample data is relatively
large (60 samples), this is not an issue according to the central
limit theorem (KUTNER et al., 2004).
Table 4. Summary of regression data and statistical parameters.
Tabela 4. Resumo dos dados da regressão e parâmetros estatísticos.
Medium Texture
Soil Clay Soil
6.753 ≤
5.249 ≤ β0
6.308 ≤
-0.145 ≤
β1 ≤ -
-0.077 ≤ β1 ≤ -
-0.099 ≤
β1 ≤ -
R2 0.841 0.858 0.872
RMSE 0.665 0.516 0.556
Darling test (p-
< 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05
test (p-value) 0.264 0.2816 0.0818
Sharma et al. (2017) verified that soil moisture sensors
with resistance-based functioning can be impaired when
tested on soils with different texture, physical and chemical
characteristics, which explains the results found in this work.
Based on the data displayed at table 1, when looking
within the same texture, for sand 28% had two readings equal
but different for A1; at medium texture S1 kept this behavior,
adding that S2 and S3 were unable to differ 29 to 38%
moistures (neither S1). At clay soil S1 had no voltage
variation at any moisture, same behavior for S2 and S3 but at
different levels.
This information could indicate the presence of a
systematic error, probably due to manufacture process
unable to give all sensors the same features, from what
adopting a single global calibration is not recommended for
the sensors.
Figure 1. Sensors calibration for soils of sandy texture (a), medium
texture (b) and clay texture (c).
Figura 1. Calibração dos sensores para solos de textura arenosa (a),
textura média (b) e textura argilosa (c).
Therefore, it is necessary an individual calibration for
each sensor, otherwise it would not be possible to count with
moisture measurement with less them 10% threshold, as they
would be statically equal (p <0.05), and this could be higher
depending on the soil texture.
Santos et al.
Nativa, Sinop, v. 9, n. 1, p. 123-128, jan./fev. 2021.
For table 2, grouping sensor readings by moisture level
(where was expected to have reading not differing within the
same moisture, regardless the soil texture); all three sensors
were able to read 15% moisture for all three textures (did not
differ significantly), but at different voltage for each texture,
indicating that even when they translate well the moisture
(into voltage), the use of a single calibration model
disregarding the soil texture, is a mistake.
As the moisture rises, the sensors’ readings decrease the
differences within texture but kept the difference between
moisture, as with 52% they were able to have the same
reading for sand and medium texture, but not for clay. Thus,
the sensor could have a suitable performance, once calibrated
to the soil.
When calibrating and building the model, it was verified
that the voltage values presented an inverse relation to the
soil moisture, which was already expected, since low voltage
values are associated with low values of resistance to the
passage of electric current in the soil. Results obtained by
Vernandhes et al. (2017) corroborated this finding.
The values obtained by the calibration curves (0.841,
0.858 and 0.872) indicated an efficient calibration, validating
the calibration of these sensors. PAYERO et al. (2017), using
Decagon EC-5 model soil moisture sensors, which have a
working principle based on the measurement of soil dielectric
constant using capacitance technology, performed the
calibration for a soil type, resulting in equal to 0.999. A
similar result was found for the of the calibration equation,
which uses the mean values obtained by the sensors.
The RMSE values for the sensors were 0.665; 0.516; and
0.556 for sandy, medium texture and clay soils, respectively.
The values found were relatively high, as there are
commercial sensors with errors lower than 3%, such as the
Fieldscout 350 TDR probe (manufacturer Spectrum
Technologies, Inc.). Such results cast doubt on the accuracy
and reliability of the sensors studied in this work.
Therefore, the use of sensors should be restricted to
operations that do not require high accuracy (i.e. lower than
10%). In addition, the sensors should not be used in
experiments that require data acquisition in several locations
at the same time, since this procedure requires individual
calibration, which would make the procedure extremely time
The evaluated sensors did not present good precision to
estimate soil moisture content without previous calibration
Soil texture directly influenced the readings obtained by
the sensors at a given value of moisture content, so once
calibrated for the soil texture – more accurate measurements
could be expected.
Low and dry soils led to a better sensor performance
(above 50% moisture conditions). Therefore, it’s important
to have a prior knowledge of the soil type in which the sensor
will be used. The lack of information can lead to misleading
information, resulting in waste of resources or an inefficient
The evaluated sensors did not present replicability, so it
is necessary to calibrate each sensor individually. Therefore,
the use of this sensor model for monitoring soil conditions
in larger areas is not feasible (due to soil texture variation and
large moisture range).
Despite its low cost, flexibility and fast data acquisition,
this sensor model requires a time-consuming calibration
The authors thank Professor Dario de Andrade Prata
Filho for allowing the use of the LaDISan laboratory where
the experiment was developed and for his aid to the research.
The authors would like to thank the research funding
agencies CAPES and FAPEMIG for the scholarships
granted to the post-graduate students participating in the
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