Nativa, Sinop, v. 11, n. 2, p. 241-250, 2023.
Pesquisas Agrárias e Ambientais
ISSN: 2318-7670
Effect of the balanced and nano-composite NPK fertilizer on the vitality of
the earthworm
Octolasion cyanieum
and its effect on the histological
composition of the middle of the body
Dhafar Hassan MOHAMMED1* , Adnan Mosa MOHAMMED1,
1 Department of Biology, College of Education for Pure Sciences, University of Mosul, Mosul, Iraq.
Submitted on 07/11/2023; Accepted on 08/04/2023; Published on 08/17/2023
ABSTRACT: This study was conducted to determine the effects of earthworm breeding O. cyanieum for 7, 14,
21, and 28 days in soil treated with concentrations of 800, 1000, 1500, and 2000 mg kg-1 of balanced NPK
compound fertilizer and balanced NPK nano-compound fertilizer at concentrations of 30, 60, 120, and 240 mg
kg-1, in addition to the control treatment. It was found that the weight and relative growth rate of earthworms
decreased with increasing concentrations of fertilizers. The highest significant decrease in weight (0.257 g) and
relative growth rate (40.34%) was observed at a concentration of 1500 mg kg-1 of balanced NPK compound
fertilizer. Meanwhile, the highest decrease in worm weight (0.225 g) and relative growth rate (86.31%) was
observed at a concentration of 240 mg kg-1 of balanced NPK nano-compound fertilizer. Fertilizers also affected
the protein content in the earthworms, which differed significantly from the control treatment for both
fertilizers. In addition, the fertilizers affect the histological structure of the body, with clear disruption in the
epithelium of the body, layers of circular and longitudinal muscle, the lining of the intestine, especially the
Keywords: chemical fertilizer; nano fertilizer; earthworm vitality.
Efeito do fertilizante npk balanceado e nanocomposto na vitalidade da minhoca
octolasion cyanieum e seu efeito na composição histológica do meio do corpo
RESUMO: Este estudo foi conduzido para determinar os efeitos da criação de minhocas O. cyanieum por 7, 14,
21 e 28 dias em solo tratado com concentrações de 800, 1000, 1500 e 2000 mg kg-1 de solo de fertilizante
composto NPK balanceado (20-20-20) e fertilizante nanocomposto NPK balanceado (20-20-20) nas
concentrações de 30, 60, 120 e 240 mg kg-1 de solo, além do tratamento testemunha. O estudo mostrou que os
fertilizantes químicos tiveram impacto sobre a vitalidade dessas minhocas, pois o peso e a taxa de crescimento
relativo das minhocas diminuíram com o aumento das concentrações de fertilizantes. A maior queda
significativa no peso (0,257 g) e na taxa de crescimento relativo (40,34%) foi observada na concentração de
1500 mg kg-1 de solo do fertilizante composto NPK balanceado. Já a maior redução no peso (0,225 g) e na taxa
de crescimento relativo (86,31%) da minhoca foi observada na concentração de 240 mg kg-1 de solo do
fertilizante nanocomposto NPK balanceado. Além disso, os tratamentos acima tiveram impacto no teor de
proteína dos corpos das minhocas, que diferiu significativamente do tratamento controle, para ambos os tipos
de fertilizantes. O estudo mostrou o impacto do fertilizante nas estruturas dos tecidos das minhocas, com clara
ruptura na camada da pele e nas camadas musculares circulares e longitudinais abaixo dela, bem como um claro
efeito no revestimento intestinal, especialmente o tiflosole.
Palavras-chave: fertilizante químico; nano fertilizante; vitalidade da minhoca.
Earthworms are invertebrates and an essential part of the
Earth's ecosystem since the pre-Cambrian era, which is about
600 million years ago. They belong to the phylum Annelida,
subclass Oligochaeta (PIEARCE et al., 1990). these
organisms act as natural plows for the soil and produce
vermicompost (Antunes et al, 2021), which is a highly
valuable material for meeting the nutritional needs of crops
(GHOSH, 2018; ASLAM et al., 2021).
Earthworms are considered one of the most important
large living organisms in the soil for maintaining and
controlling soil fertility. They play a vital role in renewing the
soil, and can only be found in soil with specific characteristics
such as texture, sufficient moisture, appropriate acidity levels,
and specific nutrients (KALE; KARMEGAM, 2010).
Environmental degradation resulting from human activities
can directly affect the quality of soil, and pose a threat to the
biodiversity of living organisms (MASIN et al., 2020).
According to some researchers, soil organisms that respond
to changes in the environment are considered to be of great
importance in maintaining soil quality, where non-vertebrate
animals form the highest biomass in the soil (MIGLANI;
BISHT, 2019; LUAN et al., 2020). Some researchers estimate
that earthworms may contribute to about 40-90% of the large
living biomass of soil organisms (AL-MALIKI et al., 2021;
HUANG et al.,2021). And since earthworms have the ability
Balanced and nano-composite NPK fertilizer on the vitality and histological composition
Nativa, Sinop, v. 11, n. 2, p. 241-250, 2023.
to live in a variety of soil ecosystems, as well as their relatively
large size and sensitivity to many pollutants, and their ease of
cultivation due to their fast growth and short lifespan, they
play an important role in maintaining soil quality
(PODOLAK et al., 2020).
Earthworms can also be used for several generations to
assess the potential effects of persistent pollutants over
generations, as well as to study their ability to recover from
or tolerate the studied compounds (SCHNUG et al., 2013;
ŽALTAUSKAITĖ et al., 2020).
As increasing crop production largely depends on the
type of fertilizers used, different types of agricultural
chemicals such as chemical fertilizers are currently being used
excessively, which negatively affects the soil, as well as soil
plants and animals (MEENA et al., 2016; SENA et al., 2021).
Negative effects include the loss of topsoil due to pollution
from fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides, as well as the
bioaccumulation of chemicals in food chains and webs, The
use of excessive agricultural chemicals can have a negative
impact on soil ecosystems by weakening the physical,
chemical, and biological components of the soil, particularly
beneficial non-target microorganisms and earthworms
(DHANANJAYAN et al., 2020; GUNAWARDENA, 2022),
Fertilizers also increase the concentration of nitrates in the
water and this has a negative effect (AL-HUSSEIN et al.,
This study was conducted to determine the effect of
balanced NPK compound fertilizer and balanced NPK nano
compound fertilizer on the vitality of the earthworm
Octolasion cyanieum, as well as the effect on the tissue
composition of the skin and the middle part of the intestine.
2.1. Collecting earthworm samples:
This study was conducted at the University of Mosul,
College of Education for Pure Sciences. Earthworms were
collected in late August 2022 from home gardens in the
Nimrud district south of Mosul. The samples were collected
by digging the soil to a depth of 15 to 30 cm or more and
were preserved and bred in plastic boxes with dimensions of
(55 * 35 * 28 cm) (length * width * height). The boxes
contained a piece of cloth placed at the bottom of the box
and extending to its sides. Bird droppings with soil were also
placed in these boxes for the purpose of feeding the worms
during their rearing period according to the method (GARG
et al., 2005; GARCZYŃSKA, 2020).
The soil was constantly moistened to keep the worms
alive and maintain their viability for use in laboratory
experiments. They were classified at the Research Center,
Natural History Museum/University of Baghdad,
Department of Insects and Invertebrates by Dr. Nabres Falih
Jijan Al-Khafaji. The breed is: Octolasion cyanieum (Savigny,
1826) (Crassiclitellata, Lumbricidae)
2.2. Fertilizers used in the study and preparation of
biological effects experiments on earthworms:
A completely randomized block design with three
replicates and five treatments per fertilizer, including one
control treatment and four other treatments, was used. The
current study used two types of fertilizers: inorganic chemical
fertilizer (balanced compound fertilizer NPK 20-20-20),
which was obtained from local markets in Mosul, Iraq, and
the following selected concentrations (800, 1000, 1500, and
2000 mg kg-1). Also, a nano-fertilizer (the balanced
compound nano-fertilizer 20-20-20-NPK), which was
obtained from the Green Fertilizer Company, and the
selected concentrations (30, 60, 120, and 240 mg kg-1) were
used. The concentrations used in the study were estimated
based on the recommended amounts per fertilizer kilogram/
Dunam, as well as selecting concentrations higher than the
recommended amounts. As well as, the necessary fertilizer
ratio for one treatment was determined by calculating the
amount of soil in kilograms at a depth of 15 centimeters per
Dunam, which was estimated at 500,000 kilograms per
Dunam. By performing the ratio and proportion operation
for each selected concentration of fertilizers, the necessary
amount of fertilizer in grams per kilogram of soil was
determined. Several bioassays were conducted to determine
the effect of fertilizers on the vitality of earthworms.
Plastic containers with a capacity of one kilogram were
taken and filled with 500 grams of soil that had been
previously sterilized at 90 degrees Celsius in an electric oven
for five hours. The purpose of sterilization was to ensure that
the soil was free of worm eggs or other organisms that could
interfere with the experiment's results. The soil's pH was 7.8,
and its moisture content was 17%. Before treating the
earthworms with fertilizer, they were placed in cups
containing distilled water for over two hours to clean their
digestive tract of soil and expel their waste. The worms'
weights were then measured using a sensitive electronic scale,
with 5 worms per repeater, ensuring they were approximately
the same size and age.
They were then placed in plastic containers containing
soil treated with fertilizers, which had been mixed well. Cattle
manure was used as food for the earthworms during the
experiment period, added every week after weighing the
worms. The plastic containers were then covered with a piece
of transparent cloth to prevent the worms from escaping
while being monitored for (7, 14, 21, and 28 days).
2.3. The effect of fertilizer concentrations on the weights
of earthworms:
Adult worms (with a clitellum) were selected, which were
similar in weight and age, and their weights were calculated
every week using a sensitive electronic scale, and the
difference in their weights was noted compared to the control
2.4. The effect of fertilizers on the relative growth rate of
After measuring the weights of the worms before and after
treatment with the aforementioned fertilizers to determine
the extent of the effect of these fertilizers on the growth rate
of the worms, their growth rate was calculated according to
the method of Sogbesan; Ugwumba (2006) using the
following equation:
Relative growth rate (RGR) = weight after treatment ÷
weight before treatment × 100.
2.5. Estimation of protein content in the bodies of
The amount of protein in the bodies of earthworms
treated with fertilizers was estimated using the method of
(Lowry et al., 1951) and was modified by Schachterle; Pollack
Mohammed & Mohammed
Nativa, Sinop, v. 11, n. 2, p. 241-250, 2023.
2.6. Histological tests:
For the purpose of determining the effect of the
fertilizers used in the experiments on the tissue structure of
some areas in the bodies of the earthworms treated with
fertilizers, histological tests were performed on these areas.
The samples were stained using the hematoxylin-eosin and
Delafield's hematoxylin stains based on the method of Luna
(1968) and Culling et al. (1985).
2.7. Examination and microscopic imaging of tissue
The tissue sections were examined using a compound
light microscope to observe the tissue effects resulting from
fertilizer treatment. After examination, the sections were
imaged using a microscope equipped with a digital camera.
The lens magnification power was calculated using the ratio
of the objective lens magnification to the eyepiece lens
magnification to determine the magnification power of the
tissue dimensions in the section.
2.8. Statistical Analysis:
The results were statistically analyzed using the SAS
program on a computer with a completely randomized
design. A factorial C.R.D. experiment was conducted, and
the differences between the means were selected using a
multiple range test (Duncan's test) at a 5% probability level
3.1. The effect of balanced NPK fertilizer
The results in Table (1) show that treating soil with
concentrations of 800, 1000, 1500, and 2000 mg kg-1 of
balanced NPK fertilizer for cultivation periods of 7, 14, 21,
and 28 days had a significant effect on the weight rate of O.
cyanieum earthworms. We find from the table that the
different concentrations had a clear effect, as the weight rate
significantly decreased, reaching 0.458 and 0.545 g at
concentrations of 1500 and 2000 mg kg-1, respectively. Both
concentrations were significantly different from the weight
rate of the control treatment, which was 0.832 g.
As Table 1 shows, the weight rate was also affected by the
duration of the earthworms' stay in the environment treated
with NPK fertilizer. The weight rate decreased with the
increase of the time period, with the weight being 0.662,
0.660, 0.625, and 0.570 g at time periods of 7, 14, 21, and 28
days, respectively.
As for the effect of the interaction between concentration
and time period, we notice that all the earthworms died at a
concentration of 2000 mg kg-1 starting from the time period
of 14 days of treatment. As we can see from the table, in the
first time period of treatment, which was 7 days, all
concentrations showed a significant difference with the
comparison group, which had a weight of 0.752 g. The lowest
weight of the earthworms was 0.545 g at a concentration of
2000 mg kg-1, and 0.645, 0.664, and 0.708 g at concentrations
of 1500, 1000, and 800 mg kg-1, respectively, and for the same
time period.
In the time periods of 14 and 21 days, there was also a
significant decrease in the weight of the earthworms, as
shown in the table, compared to the comparison group,
which had weights of 0.804 and 0.864 g in the mentioned
time periods, respectively. The highest weight decrease was
recorded in the 28-day period, which was 0.257 g at a
concentration of 1500 mg kg-1, and 0.571 and 0.544 g at
concentrations of 800 and 1000 mg kg-1, respectively, no
significant difference between them. The weight of the
comparison group was 0.911 g for the same time period,
which was significantly different.
Table 1. The average weight (g) of the earthworm O. cyanieum raised in soil treated with different concentrations of NPK compound fertilizer
for several time periods.
Tabela 1. Peso médio (g) da minhoca O. cyanieum criada em solo tratado com diferentes concentrações de fertilizante composto NPK por
vários períodos de tempo.
Concentration (mg kg-1) Exposure period (days)
7 14 21 28 Concentration effect rate
800 0.708 e 0.672 f 0.644 gh * 0.571 j 0.648 b
1000 0.664 fg 0.621 hi 0.607 i 0.544 j 0.609 c
1500 0.645 gh 0.545 j 0.386 k 0.257 l 0.458 d
2000 0.545 j ** … 0.545 e
control 0.752 d 0.804 c 0.864 b 0.911 a 0.832 a
Rate (time period effect) 0.662 a 0.660 ab 0.625 b 0.570c
*Numbers that carry different letters have different meanings according to the Duncan multiple range test at a significance level of 0.05%. ** (.....) means the
death of all worms during the recorded period.
The results in Table 2 show that treating the soil with
concentrations of 800, 1000, 1500, and 2000 mg kg-1 of NPK
compound fertilizer for the cultivation periods of 7, 14, 21,
and 28 days had a significant effect on the relative growth
rate of the earthworm O. cyanieum. From the table, it can be
seen that the different concentrations have a clear effect, with
a significant decrease in the relative growth rate to 61.34%
and 73.35% at concentrations of 1500 and 2000 mg kg-1,
respectively, and both concentrations differed significantly
from the relative growth rate in the control treatment, which
reached 113.60%.
As the table shows, the relative growth rate was also
affected by the treatment period, with the lowest growth rate
being 77.41% and 84.73% at the treatment periods of 28 and
21 days, respectively, meaning that the relative growth rate
decreased with an increase in the exposure period. As for the
effect of the interaction between concentration and
treatment time, we notice that all worms died at a
concentration of 2000 mg kg-1 and for treatment periods of
14, 21, and 28 days, respectively. The table also shows a
significant difference in the relative growth rate during the
first (7 days) of cultivation, as the lowest relative growth rate
was 73.35% at a concentration of 2000 mg kg-1. Similarly, the
relative growth rates at the other concentrations showed a
clear decrease compared to the comparison group which had
a relative growth rate of 102.59% for the same time period.
Balanced and nano-composite NPK fertilizer on the vitality and histological composition
Nativa, Sinop, v. 11, n. 2, p. 241-250, 2023.
Additionally, we observe a significant decrease in the relative
growth rate of the worms during the second treatment period
of 14 days and the third period of 21 days. The maximum
relative growth rate during the second period was 91.42% at
a concentration of 800 mg kg-1, while the relative growth rate
for the comparison group was 109.68% during this period.
Furthermore, the maximum relative growth rate during the
third period of 21 days was 87.61% at a concentration of 800
mg kg-1, while the comparison group had a relative growth
rate of 117.87% during the same period. As for the fourth
time period of 28 days, we observe the highest decrease in
the relative growth rate of 34.40% at a concentration of 1500
mg kg-1, and 73.31% and 77.68% at concentrations of 1000
mg kg-1 and 800 mg kg-1, respectively. All of the above results
were significantly different from the comparison group,
which had a relative growth rate of 124.28% during the same
time period (28 days).
Table 2. Relative growth rate (%) of earthworm O. cyanieum raised in soil treated with different concentrations of NPK fertilizer for various
periods of time.
Tabela 2. Taxa de crescimento relativo (%) da minhoca O. cyanieum criada em solo tratado com diferentes concentrações de fertilizante
composto NPK por vários períodos de tempo.
Concentration (mg kg-1) Exposure period (days)
7 14 21 28 Rate (concentration effect)
96.32 e
91.42 f
87.61 fh
* 77.68 jk
88.17 b
89.48 fg
83.69 hi
81.80 ij
73.31 k
82.08 c
86.34 gi
72.95 k
51.67 l
34.40 m
61.34 d
73.35 k
... **
73.35 e
102.59 d
109.68 c
117.87 b
124.28 a
113.60 a
Rate (time period effect) 89.61 a 89.43 ab 84.73 b 77.41 c
*Numbers that carry different letters have different meanings according to the Duncan multiple range test at a significance level of 0.05%. ** (.....) means
the death of all worms during the recorded period.
The results in Table (3) show the treatment of soil with
concentrations of 800, 1000, 1500, and 2000 mg kg-1 of
balanced NPK compound fertilizer and its effect on the
protein content in the body of earthworms O. cyanieum after
28 days, except for the concentration of 2000 mg/ kg-1
(protein was measured after seven days). There was a
significant difference in the amount of protein recorded,
which was 0.142, 0.166, and 0.216 mg g at concentrations of
800, 1000, and 1500 mg kg-1, respectively. And all of these
concentrations showed a significant decrease compared to
the control group (0.250 mg g), The protein content of the
worm increased, reaching 0.233 mg g at a concentration of
2000 mg kg-1. Despite its increase, there was no significant
difference with the control group.
Table 3. Protein content (mg g) in the body of earthworms O.
cyanieum raised in soil treated with different concentrations of NPK
compound fertilizer and for different periods of time.
Tabela 3. Teor de proteína (mg g) no corpo de minhocas O. cyanieum
criadas em solo tratado com diferentes concentrações de fertilizante
composto NPK e por diferentes períodos de tempo.
The amount of
*Numbers that carry different letters have different meanings according to
the Duncan multiple range test at a significance level of 0.05%
The results in Table (4) indicate that soil treatment with
concentrations of 30, 60, 120, and 240 mg kg-1 of balanced
nano NPK fertilizer for cultivation periods of 7, 14, 21, and
28 days had a significant effect on the weight of earthworms
O. cyanieum. From Table 4, it is clear that different
concentrations had a distinct effect, as the weight
significantly decreased to 0.683 and 0.451 g at concentrations
of 120 and 240 mg kg-1, respectively. Both treatments were
statistically different from the weight average. The weight at
the comparison treatment was 0.833 g.
The table also shows that the weight rate was also affected
by the length of time the worm stayed in the soil treated with
balanced nano NPK fertilizer. The weight rate decreased with
an increase in the time period, and the weight was 0.749,
0.714, 0.663, and 0.592 g for the time periods of 7, 14, 21,
and 28 days, respectively. There was a significant difference
between these treatments.
As for the effect of the interaction between concentration
and time period, we notice from the table that in the first time
period of 7 days, all concentrations recorded a significant
difference from the comparison group, which had a weight
of 0.782 g, except for the weight at a concentration of 60 mg
kg-1, which did not record a significant difference. We note
that the weight at a concentration of 30 mg kg-1 was higher
than that in the comparison group for the same period. In
the 14- and 21-day periods, there was also a significant
decrease in the weights of the worms, as shown in Table 4.
The lowest weight was 0.530 and 0.417 g at a concentration
of 240 mg kg-1, compared to the comparison group, which
weighed 0.812 and 0.844 g in the respective periods. As for
the 28-day period, we note that there was no significant
difference in weights between the concentrations of 30 and
60 mg kg-1, but both recorded a significant difference from
the comparison group, which weighed 0.894 g in the same
time period.
3.2. The effect of balanced NPK nanocomposite
The results in Table 5 show that treating the soil with
concentrations of 30, 60, 120, and 240 mg kg-1 of balanced
NPK nanocomposite fertilizer for cultivation periods of 7,
14, 21, and 28 days had a significant effect on the relative
growth rate of O. cyanieum earthworms. We can see from the
table that the different concentrations had a clear significant
effect, as the relative growth rate significantly decreased. The
growth rate percentage was 103.06% at a concentration of 30
mg kg-1, while it was 63.87% at a concentration of 240 mg kg-
1. Table 5 also shows that the relative growth rate was
significantly affected by the treatment period. The lowest
growth rate was 94.55% and 84.46% for treatment periods of
21 and 28 days, respectively, indicating that the relative
growth rate decreased with an increase in exposure time.
Mohammed & Mohammed
Nativa, Sinop, v. 11, n. 2, p. 241-250, 2023.
As for the effect of the interaction between concentration
and treatment period, we can see from the table that there
was a significant difference in the relative growth rate in the
first period of cultivation, which was (7 days), All
concentrations showed a significant difference in the growth
rate compared to the control group, which was 111.23%. We
also notice that the concentrations 30 and 60 mg/ kg-1 did
not significantly differ in the relative growth rate. Similarly,
we observe a significant decrease in the relative growth rate
during the second period of cultivation, which was (14 days).
The growth rate ranged from 109.42% to 75.07% in
concentrations of 30 and 240 mg/ kg-1, respectively,
compared to the control group of 115.50%. During the third
period of cultivation, which was 21 days, there was a
significant decrease in the relative growth rate of the
earthworms. The maximum growth rate during this period
was 99.14% at a concentration of 30 mg/ kg-1, while the
control group had a growth rate of 120.05%. During the
fourth time period of (28 days), we observed a significant
difference between the concentrations and the comparison
group, was the highest decrease in relative growth rate being
31.86% at a concentration of 240 mg/ kg-1, while the
comparison group recorded a growth rate of 127.16% during
the same time period.
Table 4. The average weight (g) of O.cyanieum earthworms raised in soil treated with different concentrations of NPK nanocomposite
fertilizer for several periods of time.
Tabela 4. Peso médio (g) de minhocas O. cyanieum criadas em solo tratado com diferentes concentrações de fertilizante nanocompósito NPK
por vários períodos de tempo.
Concentration (mg kg-1) Exposure period (days)
7 14 21 28 Rate (concentration effect)
0.788 bd
0.766 df
0.690 gh
* 0.636 i
0.720 b
0.781 ce
0.734 dg
0.709 fg
0.626 i
0.712 c
0.764 df
0.730 eg
0.656 hi
0.582 j
0.683 c
0.632 i
0.530 j
0.417 k
0.225 l
0.451 d
0.782 ce
0.812 bc
0.844 b
0.894 a
0.833 a
Rate (time period effect)
0.749 a
0.714 b
0.663 c
0.592 d
*Numbers that carry different letters have different meanings according to the Duncan multiple range test at a significance level of 0.05%.
Table 5. Relative growth rate (%) of O.cyanieum earthworms raised in soil treated with different concentrations of NPK nanocomposite
fertilizer for several periods of time.
Tabela 4. Taxa de crescimento relativo (%) de minhocas O. cyanieum criadas em solo tratado com diferentes concentrações de fertilizante
NPK nanocomposto por vários períodos de tempo.
Concentration (mg kg-1) Exposure period (days)
7 14 21 28 Rate (concentration effect)
112.57 dc
99.14 hi
* 91.14
103.06 b
112.21 dc
89.94 jk
102.36 bc
107.90 dh
92.65 ij
82.20 k
96.46 c
89.51 jk
75.07 l
59.06 m
31.86 n
63.87 d
111.23 de
127.16 a
118.48 a
Rate (time period effect)
106.68 a
94.55 c
84.46 d
*Numbers that carry different letters have different meanings according to the Duncan multiple range test at a significance level of 0.05%.
The results in Table (6) show the effect of soil treatment
with concentrations of 30, 60, 120, and 240 mg kg-1 of nano
NPK compound fertilizer on the protein content in the body
of O. cyanieum earthworms after 28 days. We observe a
significant decrease in protein content, with the lowest
protein percentage of 0.043 mg g occurring at a
concentration of 30 mg kg-1. The protein content was 0.075,
0.116, and 0.193 mg g at concentrations of 60, 120, and 240
mg kg-1, respectively, and all showed a significant difference
from the control group (0.250 mg g).
Table 6. Protein content (mg g) in the body of O. cyanieum
earthworms raised in soil treated with different concentrations of
NPK nano compound fertilizer for various time periods.
Tabela 3. Teor de proteína (mg g) no corpo de minhocas O. cyanieum
criadas em solo tratado diferentes concentrações de fertilizante
NPK nanocomposto e por diferentes períodos de tempo.
The amount
of protein
*Numbers that carry different letters have different meanings according to
the Duncan multiple range test at a significance level of 0.05%
4.1. Effect of balanced NPK compound fertilizer and
balanced NPK nano compound fertilizer on the weight
and relative growth rate of earthworms
Table 1 shows that the weight of earthworms decreased
as the concentration and duration of exposure to balanced
NPK fertilizer increased over periods of 7, 14, 21, and 28
days. Similarly, the relative growth rate of earthworms
decreased as the concentration and duration of exposure
increased, as shown in Table 2. These results demonstrate
that treating soil with NPK compound fertilizer
concentrations of 800, 1000, 1500, and 2000 mg kg-1 for
cultivation periods of 7, 14, 21, and 28 days resulted in a
decrease in the relative growth rate of earthworms. This
decrease in relative growth rate was more pronounced with
increased concentration and duration of exposure.
According to the results shown in Table 4, the treatment
of soil with concentrations of 30, 60, 120, and 240 mg kg-1 of
balanced nanoscale NPK composite fertilizer, and for the
cultivation periods of 7, 14, 21, and 28 days, resulted in an
increase in worm weight of 0.788 g in the first period of 7
days at a concentration of 30 mg kg-1 compared to the control
Balanced and nano-composite NPK fertilizer on the vitality and histological composition
Nativa, Sinop, v. 11, n. 2, p. 241-250, 2023.
group, as previously mentioned in the results. Also, the
relative growth rate for the same fertilizer and the same
cultivation period of 7 days increased at concentrations of 30
and 60 mg kg-1, reaching 112.57% and 112.21%, respectively.
This is similar to the results obtained by RAI et al. (2014) and
is consistent with Long et al. (2017) when treating worms
with urea at concentrations of 50, 100 and 150 mg kg-1. There
may be two explanations for this: first, the bodies of the
earthworms exposed to the fertilizers swelled, leading to an
increase in weight. The other explanation is that the increase
in the weight of the earthworms was a healthy increase (RAI
et al., 2014).
Despite what was mentioned, the weight of the worms
for the above concentrations and other concentrations of 120
and 240 mg kg-1 decreased with an increase in the time period.
Also, the results in Table 5 showed that the relative growth
rate of worms treated with balanced nano NPK compound
fertilizer for the same concentrations and for a period of 28
days decreased with an increase in the concentrations and
exposure time, except for what was mentioned above.
The reason for the decrease in the weight and relative
growth rates of the worms may be due to the physiological
stress that the worms were exposed to as a result of the
changes that occurred in the environment due to the addition
of fertilizers. It has been found that adding urea fertilizer to
the soil leads to changes in the soil chemistry, such as changes
in the soil pH and differences in ammonia levels. It has also
been shown that these changes impact soil organisms,
including earthworms (STALEY et al., 2018). Our results are
consistent with the study by ZHANG et al. (2022) in their
study on the effect of polyethylene nanoparticles (PE MPs)
and zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) on the earthworm
E. fetida. The application of these materials led to a decrease
in worm weights. Our results also match Yan et al. (2021) in
their study on the combined effect of neonicotinoid
pesticides and heavy metals on earthworms, which had a
negative impact on growth rate. Our current study's results
are similar to QIAO et al. (2019) in their study on the
earthworm E. fetida. Treating earthworms with five
concentrations of the insecticide cyantraniliprole for 28 days
resulted in a significant effect on the growth rate of the
4.2. Effect of balanced NPK compound fertilizer and
NPK nano compound fertilizer on the protein content
in the body of earthworms
From the results in Table 3, treating the soil with
concentrations of 800, 1000, 1500, and 2000 mg kg-1 of
balanced NPK compound fertilizer, and the results in Table
6, treating the soil with concentrations of 30, 60, 120, and 240
mg kg-1 of balanced NPK nanocomposite fertilizer, showed
that the fertilizers affected the protein content in the body of
earthworms. Similarly, our findings matched those of
SAMAL et al. (2017) in their study of the effect of urea,
phosphate gypsum, and paper mill sludge on the earthworms
Drawida willsi and Lampito mauritii, as the protein content in
the bodies of the earthworms decreased significantly with the
decrease in the concentration of urea and phosphate gypsum.
Our results were also consistent with those of MOSLEH et
al. (2003), as exposure of the earthworms E. fetida to
pesticides caused a significant decrease in their protein
content. This was attributed to a lower food intake in the
earthworms exposed to pesticides compared to the control
group (RIBERA et al., 2001). We hypothesize that the same
applies to the chemical fertilizers used in our current study.
4.3. Effect of balanced compound NPK fertilizer and
balanced NPK nano compound fertilizer on the tissue
composition of earthworm
O. cyanieum
Adeel et al. (2021) stated that any injury to the external
skin and intestines may have harmful effects on the health of
earthworms, which delays the normal performance of these
tissues and may lead to earthworm mortality. Additionally,
tissue injury affects the vital energy of earthworms, which
ultimately leads to a disturbance in the overall energy budget,
leaving less energy for physiological processes such as growth
and reproduction.
Therefore, our results matched those of SAMAL et al.
(2017) in their study, where damage occurred to the skin and
surface tissues, separation between longitudinal and circular
muscles, and decay occurred. Also, the connective tissues
were affected when worms were treated with urea, phosphate
gypsum, and paper mill sludge. Our results also matched
those of WANG et al. (2020) in their study where tissue
damage occurred in the body wall, intestine, and seminal
vesicles of earthworms under a high level of exposure to
nickel. Our results also matched those of Lahive et al. (2014)
in their study on the effect of cerium oxide nanoparticles
(NPs) on the earthworms E. fetida, the exposure led to
significant damage to the skin and surface layer. Our study
also matched that of Adeel et al. (2021), where the application
of rare earth metals, including nano and bulk lanthanum
(La2O3) and yttrium oxides (Yb2O3), on earthworms caused
radical changes in the epithelium layer of the digestive system
and typhlosol. The epidermis of the Earthworm treated with
200 mg kg-1 of nanominerals and ordinary metals has been
sucked and peeled. Applying the same substances with the
same concentration also led to edema in the layers of
longitudinal muscle and circular muscle inflammatory cells in
the intestinal tissue of the earthworm. Also, the occurrence
of necrosis in mucous cells, compared with the untreated
control group.
4.4. Figures The effect of balanced NPK compound
fertilizer and NPK nano compound fertilizer on the
tissue structure of
O. cyanieum
To understand the mechanism of the effect of the
fertilizer used in this study, tissue sections were made of the
middle part of the earthworm body. Figures 1 and 2, show a
section of an untreated earthworm, illustrating the
composition of the body wall, which consists of the skin
layer, circular and longitudinal muscles, and the wall part of
the peritoneal membrane. The section also shows the middle
part of the intestine and the blind area of the typhlosole.
Figure 3 shows the effect of breeding earthworms for 14
days in soil treated with a concentration of 1500 mg kg-1 of
the balanced NPK compound fertilizer. This led to an
increase in the thickness of the circular and longitudinal
muscle layers, as well as the separation and detachment of
fibers from these muscle layers. The treatment also resulted
in the separation of the cuticle layer from the skin, causing
congestion of blood vessels within the muscle layers and
necrosis of skin cells.
Similarly, breeding these worms for 21 days in soil treated
with the same previous concentration of fertilizer led to an
inflammation in the intestinal lining and a clear separation of
Mohammed & Mohammed
Nativa, Sinop, v. 11, n. 2, p. 241-250, 2023.
the peritoneal membrane from the muscle layer, with edema
occurring in the connective tissue of the typhlosole. Folds
were also present in the mucous membrane lining the
intestines and typhlosole (Figure 4).
As shown in Figure 5, after 28 days of breeding with the
same concentration of fertilizer, there was inflammation in
the circular muscle layer and a separation between the fibers
of the longitudinal muscle layer, as well as a separation of the
peritoneal membrane from the muscle layer. There were also
bulges in the skin layer and separation of the cuticle layer.
As shown in Figure 6, breeding O. cyanieum earthworms
for seven days with a concentration of 2000 mg kg-1 of
balanced NPK compound fertilizer led to a separation of the
cuticle layer, with a clear increase in inflammation of the skin
layer cells and a separation of the fibers of the circular muscle
layer, as well as inflammation in the longitudinal muscle layer.
Figure 7 shows that the balanced nano NPK compound
fertilizer also had an effect on the histological structure of the
earthworms' body medium. Breeding earthworms for 28 days
in soil treated with a concentration of 60 mg kg-1 of the
fertilizer led to a separation of the cuticle layer from the skin
layer, with an increase in the pigmentation of the connective
tissue under the circular muscle layer, and a separation in the
longitudinal muscle layer. In addition, there was an increase
in the thickness of the skin layer in some areas.
Figure 1. A cross-sectional view of the control group of the
earthworm midgut, showing (1) skin layer, (2) circular muscles, (3)
longitudinal muscle layer, (4) peritoneal membrane. The image is
colored with E and H stains and has a magnification of 40x.
Figura 1. Corte transversal do grupo controle do intestino médio da
minhoca, mostrando: (1) camada da pele, (2) músculos circulares,
(3) camada muscular longitudinal e (4) membrana peritoneal. A
imagem é colorida com manchas E e H e tem uma ampliação de
Figure 2. Cross-sectional view of the midgut of an earthworm from
the control group. The image shows: (1) blind channel, (2) hepatic
cells located within the blind channel's invagination, (3) lining of the
digestive channel.
Figura 2. Corte transversal do intestino médio de uma minhoca do
grupo de controle. A imagem mostra: (1) canal cego, (2) células
hepáticas localizadas na invaginação do canal cego, (3) revestimento
do canal digestivo.
Figue 3. Cross-sectional view of the midgut of an earthworm that
was raised for 14 days in soil treated with a balanced NPK
compound fertilizer at a concentration of 1500 mg kg-1. The image
shows: (1) an increase in the thickness of the circular muscle layer,
(2) an increase in the thickness of the longitudinal muscle layer and
the occurrence of gaps and separations between its fibers, (3)
separation of the cuticle layer, (4) congestion of blood vessels within
the circular muscle layer, and (5) erosion of skin cells.
Figura 3. Corte transversal do intestino médio de uma minhoca que
foi criada por 14 dias em solo tratado com fertilizante composto
NPK balanceado na concentração de 1500 mg kg-1. A imagem
mostra: (1) aumento da espessura da camada muscular circular, (2)
aumento da espessura da camada muscular longitudinal e ocorrência
de lacunas e separações entre suas fibras, (3) separação da camada
de cutícula, (4) congestão dos vasos sanguíneos dentro da camada
muscular circular e (5) erosão das células da pele.
Figure 4. Cross-sectional view of the midgut of an earthworm that
was raised for 21 days in soil treated with a balanced NPK
compound fertilizer at a concentration of 1500 mg kg-1. The image
shows: (1) inflammation in the intestinal lining, (2) separation of the
peritoneal membrane from the longitudinal muscle layer, (3)
congestion in blood vessels, (4) edema within the connective tissue
of the blind channel cells, and (5) the appearance of folds in the
mucous membrane that lines the intestine and blind channel.
Figura 4. Visão transversal do intestino médio de uma minhoca que
foi criada por 21 dias em solo tratado com fertilizante composto
NPK balanceado na concentração de 1500 mg kg-1. A imagem
mostra: (1) inflamação no revestimento intestinal, (2) separação da
membrana peritoneal da camada muscular longitudinal, (3)
congestão nos vasos sanguíneos, (4) edema dentro do tecido
conjuntivo das células do canal cego e ( 5) o aparecimento de dobras
na membrana mucosa que reveste o intestino e o canal cego.
1 2
Balanced and nano-composite NPK fertilizer on the vitality and histological composition
Nativa, Sinop, v. 11, n. 2, p. 241-250, 2023.
Figure 5. Cross-sectional view of the midgut of an earthworm that
was raised for 28 days in soil treated with a balanced NPK
compound fertilizer at a concentration of 1500 mg kg-1. The image
shows: (1) inflammation in the circular muscle layer, (2) separation
between the fibers of the longitudinal muscle layer, (3) separation of
the peritoneal membrane from the muscle layer, (4) separation of
the cuticle layer, and (5) the appearance of bulges in the skin layer.
Figura 5. Visão transversal do intestino médio de uma minhoca que
foi criada por 28 dias em solo tratado com fertilizante composto
NPK balanceado na concentração de 1500 mg kg-1. A imagem
mostra: (1) inflamação na camada muscular circular, (2) separação
entre as fibras da camada muscular longitudinal, (3) separação da
membrana peritoneal da camada muscular, (4) separação da camada
de cutícula e (5) o aparecimento de protuberâncias na camada da
Figure 6. Cross-sectional view of the midgut of an earthworm that
was raised for seven days in soil treated with a balanced NPK
compound fertilizer at a concentration of 2000 mg kg-1. The image
shows: (1) separation of the skin layer from the circular muscle layer,
(2) clear inflammation in the skin layer cells, (3) separation in the
circular muscle layer, and (4) separation and inflammation in the
longitudinal muscle layer.
Figura 6. Visão transversal do intestino médio de uma minhoca que
foi criada por sete dias em solo tratado com fertilizante composto
NPK balanceado na concentração de 2.000 mg kg-1. A imagem
mostra: (1) separação da camada da pele da camada muscular
circular, (2) inflamação clara nas células da camada da pele, (3)
separação na camada muscular circular e (4) separação e inflamação
na camada muscular longitudinal.
Figure 8 shows that breeding earthworms for the same
duration as before but at a higher concentration caused
nibbling in the skin layer, as well as separation in some areas
of the circular muscles with edema. There was also
degradation and separation of the longitudinal muscle fiber
layer. The intestines were also affected, with finger-like
protrusions appearing in their lining, and separation from the
surrounding muscle layer.
Figure 7. Cross-sectional view of the midgut of an earthworm that
was raised for 28 days in soil treated with a balanced nanoscale NPK
compound fertilizer at a concentration of 60 mg kg-1. The image
shows: (1) separation of the cuticle layer, (2) an increase in
connective tissue pigmentation under the circular muscle layer, (3)
separation in the longitudinal muscle layer, and (4) an increase in the
thickness of the skin layer in some areas.
Figura 7. Visão transversal do intestino médio de uma minhoca que
foi criada por 28 dias em solo tratado com fertilizante composto
NPK em nanoescala balanceado na concentração de 60 mg kg-1. A
imagem mostra: (1) separação da camada da cutícula, (2) aumento
da pigmentação do tecido conjuntivo sob a camada muscular
circular, (3) separação da camada muscular longitudinal e (4)
aumento da espessura da camada da pele em algumas áreas.
Figure 8. Cross-sectional view of the midgut of an earthworm that
was raised for 28 days in soil treated with a balanced nanoscale NPK
compound fertilizer at a concentration of 240 mg kg-1. The image
shows: (1) presence of erosion in some areas of the skin layer, (2)
presence of separation in some areas of the circular muscle layer, (3)
degradation and separation of the fibers of the longitudinal muscle
layer, (4) appearance of finger-like protrusions in the lining of the
intestine of the blind channel, (5) separation of the intestinal lining
from the muscle layer, and (6) appearance of edema between the
fibers of the circular muscle layer.
Figura 8. Visão transversal do intestino médio de uma minhoca que
foi criada por 28 dias em solo tratado com fertilizante composto
NPK em nanoescala balanceado na concentração de 240 mg kg-1. A
imagem mostra: (1) presença de erosão em algumas áreas da camada
da pele, (2) presença de separação em algumas áreas da camada
muscular circular, (3) degradação e separação das fibras da camada
muscular longitudinal, (4) aparecimento de saliências semelhantes a
dedos no revestimento do intestino do canal cego, (5) separação do
revestimento intestinal da camada muscular e (6) aparecimento de
edema entre as fibras da camada muscular circular.
The study showed that the improper use of chemical
fertilizers causes soil pollution and has a clear impact on the
vitality of earthworms. These fertilizers (conventional NPK
Mohammed & Mohammed
Nativa, Sinop, v. 11, n. 2, p. 241-250, 2023.
and nano) had a significant effect on the relative growth,
weight, and protein content of earthworms, as well as on the
tissue structure of the skin, circular and longitudinal muscles,
and intestinal lining.
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Acknowledgments: The authors would like to express their sincere
thanks and appreciation to the presidency of the University of
Mosul and the College of Education for Pure Sciences at the
University of Mosul, for their support in presenting this research
paper in the best possible way
Author Contributions: DH.H.M. data collection, writing and
draft writing; A.M.M. methodology, statistical analysis,
proofreading; management and supervision. All authors read and
agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: Not applicable.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement (Ethics Committee of the area):
Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement (how the data can be made
available): Raw and analyzed data can be obtained by request to the
corresponding Author by e-mail.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Supporting entities had no role in the design of the study; in the
collection, analysis, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the
manuscript, or in the decision to publish the results