Nativa, Sinop, v. 9, n. 5, p. 612-627, 2021.
Pesquisas Agrárias e Ambientais
DOI: ISSN: 2318-7670
Solar radiation incidence under different shading screens in tropical climate:
diurnal evolution and estimates
Daniela Roberta BORELLA1, Hercules NOGUEIRA2, Francielli Aloisio MORATELLI3,
Aline KRAESKI3, Adilson Pacheco de SOUZA1,2,3
1 Postgraduate Program in Environmental Physics, Federal University of Mato Grosso, Cuiabá, MT, Brazil.
1 Institute of Agrarian and Environmental Sciences, Federal University of Mato Grosso, Sinop, MT, Brazil.
1 Postgraduate Program in Environmental Sciences, Federal University of Mato Grosso, Sinop, MT, Brazil.
(ORCID: 0000-0003-2941-2116; 0000-0001-7056-351X; 0000-0002-0304-985X; 0000-0001-5795-9245; 0000-0003-4076-1093)
Submitted on 11/17/2021; Accepted on 12/29/2021; Published on 12/30/2021.
ABSTRACT: The use of photoselective screens improves plant productivity and quality, and it is necessary to
understand the dynamics of solar radiation transmissivity under these microenvironments to subsidize agricultural and
forestry production projects. Therefore, the objective of this work was to describe the diurnal and seasonal evolution
of incidence of global irradiance (IG), photosynthetically active irradiance (IPAR), and luminance in aboveground forest
nurseries under different shading screens. Radiometric fractions were evaluated and statistical equations were obtained
based on the external incidence. Instantaneous measurements of IG, IPAR, and luminance in the exterior and interior of
nurseries (East-West direction), solstices (12/22/2018 and 06/20/2019) and equinoxes (03/21/2019 and
09/21/2019), and local zenithal culminations (02/18/2019 and 10/20/2019) were evaluated between 7h00min and
17h00min. Estimates were evaluated and the data were grouped into two databases composed of 70% and 30%,
respectively, to generate and validate regressions for each variable. The statistical performance of regressions was
evaluated using the following statistical indicators: coefficient of determination (R2), mean square error (MSE), root
mean square error (RMSE), and Willmott index (d). IG, IPAR, and luminance presented similar dynamics of diurnal and
seasonal evolution under the shading screens for external conditions, and the transmissivity was affected by the
environmental conditions (water seasonality and solar declination) and intrinsic characteristics of the shading screens
(porosity and color). The transmission and absorption of IG, IPAR, and luminance were affected by color and porosity
of the shading screens, whereas the reflection was affected only by the color. The values of Willmott index were higher
than 0.9975 and 0.9973 for black screen and photoselective screen, respectively, and were considered as good,
indicating that the equations generated good estimates of IG, IPAR, and luminance for application in different regions.
The choice of shading screens for crops are dependent on spectral composition requirements and IPAR transmissivity
of each species.
Keywords: radiometric properties of photoselective screens; photosynthetically active radiation; irradiance; luminance;
statistical indicators.
Radiação solar incidente sob diferentes telas de sombreamentos em clima
tropical: evolução diurna e estimativas
RESUMO: O uso de telas foto-seletivas melhora a produtividade e qualidade das plantas, e é necessário compreender
a dinâmica da transmissividade da radiação solar sob esses microambientes para subsidiar projetos de produção
agrícolas e florestais. Nesse sentido, o objetivo foi descrever a evolução diurna e sazonal das irradiâncias global (IG),
fotossintéticamente ativa (IPAR) e luminância incidentes em viveiros florestais suspensos sob diferentes telas de
sombreamento. Além disso foram avaliadas as frações radiométricas e obtidas equações estatísticas de estimativas
baseadas na incidência externa. As medidas instantâneas de IG, IPAR e luminância ocorreram no exterior e interior dos
viveiros (alinhados no sentido Leste-Oeste), nos solstícios (22/12/2018 e 22/06/2019), equinócios (21/03/2019 e
21/09/2019) e nas culminações zenitais locais (18/02/2019 e 20/10/2019), entre às 7h00min e 17h00min. Para
avaliação das estimativas, os dados foram agrupados em duas bases, compostas por 70 e 30% para geração e validação
das regressões, para cada variável, respectivamente. Para avaliação do desempenho estatístico das regressões foram
empregados os indicativos estatísticos: coeficiente de determinação (R2), erro absoluto médio (MBE), raiz quadrada
do erro quadrático médio (RMSE) e índice de Willmott (d). IG, IPAR e luminância apresentaram dinâmicas semelhantes
na evolução diurna e sazonal sob as telas de sombreamento em relação as condições externas, sendo a transmissividade
influenciados por condições ambientais (sazonalidade hídrica e declinação solar) e intrínsecas a tela (porosidade e cor).
A transmissão e absorção de IG, IPAR e luminância foram afetadas pela cor e porosidade líquida, enquanto que a reflexão
apenas pela cor. Os valores do índice de Willmott foram superiores a 0,9975 e 0,9973 para as telas pretas e foto-
seletivas, respectivamente, sendo considerado como ótimos, indicando que as equações ajustadas permitem boas
estimativas de IG, IPAR e luminância para aplicação em diferentes regiões. A escolha da tela de sombreamento para o
cultivo de plantas fica dependente das necessidades de composição espectral e transmissividade da IPAR de cada espécie.
Palavras-chave: propriedades radiométricas de telas foto-seletivas; radiação fotossinteticamente ativa; irradiâncias;
luminância; indicadores estatísticos.
Borella et al.
Nativa, Sinop, v. 9, n. 5, p. 612-627, 2021.
Solar radiation is the main source of energy that regulates
physical, biochemical, and physiological processes of earthly
components; it determines the microclimate, mainly
modulating temperatures, air humidity, and soil moisture, is
responsible for energy exchanges in the water-soil-plant-
atmosphere system, and is essential for ecophysiological
responses of plants, which reflects in crop yields and product
The availability of energy that reaches the earth surface is
dependent on astronomical (solar declination), atmospheric
(cloudiness, air humidity, and atmospheric turbidity), and
geographical factors that determine spatial and temporal
variations in solar radiation incidence (TERAMOTO et al.,
2019). In addition, the atmosphere composition (gases,
aerosols, water vapor, dust, and particulate matter) affects the
transmissivity of solar radiation, and the clouds are the main
reductors because they absorb specific wavelengths (infrared)
and reflect and diffuse (anisotropically) most solar radiation
(SOUZA, et al., 2016; PALÁCIOS et al., 2018).
The transitional region between the Cerrado and Amazon
biomes in northern state of Mato Grosso, Brazil, has high
mean monthly global radiation, from 16.56 ± 2.82 MJ m-2
day-1 (February, rainiest month in the region) to 21.17 ± 0.83
MJ m-2 day-1 (October), with higher atmospheric
transmissivity and solar radiation in the dry season, between
May and October (SOUZA et al., 2016). It is estimated that
a fraction of this global radiation (40% to 45%) consists of
photosynthetically active radiation (between 400 and 700
nm), which corresponds to a good part of the visible range
of the electromagnetic spectrum (BERGAMASCHI;
BERGONCI, 2017) and is responsible for activating
photosynthetic process in plants (WANG et al., 2015; WU et
al., 2019).
Excess or lack of solar radiation can be harmful to
different groups of plant species; moreover, they affect flows
of latent heat (evapotranspiration) and sensitive heat (air
temperature) (AHMED et al., 2016). Direct incidence of
global solar radiation on plants can cause significant changes
to their biochemical, physiological, and morphogenic
processes (ZHANG; ZHANG, 2017; WU et al., 2019),
oxidative stress, compromised photosynthetic activity and
structural and metabolic changes in chloroplasts are some of
the damage caused by the combination of high light and heat
stress (BALFAGÓN et al., 2019).Therefore, the use of
protected environments for agricultural crops and forest
species in regions of adverse climate conditions has been
increasingly studied, focused on improving yields and quality
of species that present difficulties for production in specific
seasons of the year or regions (HOLCMAN; SENTELHAS,
2012; AHMED et al., 2019; TANG et al., 2020; BORELLA
et al., 2020a).
The use of white plastic screens in greenhouses with
artificial or natural ventilation (AHMED et al., 2019), in
nebulization or evaporative cooling systems (AHMED et al.,
2016), and in energy system with solar photovoltaic modules
(TANG et al., 2020) predominates among the protected crop
systems. However, other plastic materials with different
physical characteristics (chemical composition, porosity,
color, and density) have been used alone or combined with
plastic screens (KOTILAINEN et al., 2018; CHOAB et al.,
Some ecophysiological studies have investigated
microclimate dynamics and effects of using photoselective
screens (aluminized or thermo reflectors, red, blue, green,
and black) on the growth and development of plants and
found promising results (HOLCMAN; SENTELHAS, 2012;
MONTEIRO et al., 2016; MAHMOOD et al., 2018;
SABINO et al., 2020; BORELLA et al., 2020a,b).
Nevertheless, a better understanding of microclimate
dynamics in these protected environments is important for
different regions and seasons of the year, since the choosing
of the adequate type of screen and percentage of shading
(porosity) is dependent on the species, cultivar, and local
climate conditions (ABDEL-GHANY, 2015; AHMED et al.,
2016; STATUTO et al., 2020).
Information on micrometeorological dynamics within
protected environments is essential for the planning and
development of hydro-agricultural activities, crop
management, and selection of agricultural and forest species
better adapted to local environmental conditions, focusing
on reducing costs, saving water, and increasing production.
The use of shading screens in hot regions decreases the
harmful effects caused by high irradiance on plants
(AHMED et al., 2016; ZHANG; ZHANG, 2017;
BORELLA et al., 2020b), providing a more uniform
distribution of temperature and relative air humidity under
shaded environments (AHMED et al., 2019; BORELLA et
al., 2021), reducing the water vapor pressure deficit (CHOAB
et al., 2019) and, consequently, the water demand of plants
(MONTEIRO et al., 2016; BORELLA et al., 2020a). In
addition, it forms a physical protection barrier against insects-
pest (MAHMOOD et al., 2018). Thus, shading is a simple
and low-cost method regarding implementation and
maintenance (ABDEL-GHANY et al., 2015).
However, controlling climate variables in these
environments is a complex and dynamic process that
depends on external conditions (HOLCMAN;
SENTELHAS, 2012) and a monitoring routine. Moreover,
the implementation costs of monitoring routine systems with
sensors and data acquisition systems (dataloggers) can be
high. Thus, micrometeorological information under
protected environments with no sensors can be obtained by
using simplified statistical models based on weather variables
under full-sun environmental conditions and that allow the
estimation of a variable of interest, such as solar radiation,
with a high degree of accuracy (SOUZA et al., 2017; ROSSI
et al., 2018; TERAMOTO et al., 2019).
Therefore, the objectives of this work were to describe
the diurnal and seasonal evolution, determine the radiometric
ratios, and fit statistic models for estimating global irradiance
(IG), photosynthetically active irradiance (IPAR), and
luminance (Lux) through shading screens with different
physical and spectral characteristics. The evaluations were
carried out in different crop seasons, in a tropical climate
region of Brazil, to obtain tools to subsidize agricultural and
forest production projects.
2.1. Study region and implementation
The study was conducted in a transitional region between
the Cerrado and Amazon biomes, in Sinop, Mato Grosso
(MT), Brazil (11°51'50"S, 55°29'08"W and 384 meters of
altitude). The region presents an Aw climate (tropical hot and
wet), according to the Köppen classification (SOUZA et al.,
Solar radiation incidence under different shading screens in tropical climate: diurnal evolution and estimates
Nativa, Sinop, v. 9, n. 5, p. 612-627, 2021.
2013), with mean annual air temperature and relative air
humidity of 25.9 °C and 74.0%, respectively (Figure 1A and
1B). The mean daily global radiation and insolation of the
region are 17.5 to 21.2 MJ m-2 day-1 and 8.2 to 9.7 hours day-
1 in the dry season, and 16.8 to 18.6 MJ m-2 day-1 and 4.9 to
6.3 hours day-1 in the rainy season (Figure 1C).
The climate seasonality of the region is defined by two
hydrological seasons: rainy (October to April) and dry (May
to September) (Figure 1D) (SOUZA et al., 2013). The mean
annual rainfall depth is 1,945.0 mm, which is more than
1,700.0 mm in the spring-summer season, whereas the
reference evapotranspiration range is from 105.0 to 170.0
mm month-1 (3.5 to 5.5 mm day-1) between the rainy and dry
periods in the region (Figure 1D).
The solar radiation components were measured in
aboveground forest nurseries arranged in an East-West
direction, with dimensions of 3.0 × 1.0 × 1.0 m (length,
width, and height), and at 1.0 m above the ground. The full-
sun conditions were used as reference; the top, front, and
lateral sides of the experimental units were covered with
black polyolefin screens with 35%, 50%, 65%, and 80%
shading, thermo-reflector screen (Aluminet®, 50% shading),
and red, blue (Chromatinet®, 50% shading) and green
(Frontinet®, 50% shading) polyolefin screens.
Figure 1. Monthly means and standard deviations for air temperature (A), relative air humidity (B), global radiation and insolation (C),
rainfall and reference evapotranspiration (D) between September 01, 2010 and December 31, 2019 in Sinop, MT, Brazil.
Figura 1. Médias mensais e desvio-padrão da temperatura do ar (A), umidade relativa do ar (B), radiação global e insolação (C), precipitação
e evapotranspiração de referência (D), entre 01/09/2010 e 31/12/2019, em Sinop, MT, Brasil.
2.2. Measurements of IG, IPAR, and Luminance
Instantaneous measurements of incident and reflected
global irradiance (IG W m-2), photosynthetically active
irradiance (IPAR μmol m-2 s-1), and luminance (lux) were
measured in the protected environments (nurseries) covered
with shading screens and in the environments at full-sun
conditions. The following sensors were used: i) pyranometer
MP-200 (spectral reading range of 360 to 1,120 nm;
directional response (cosine effect): 5% up to 75° of zenith
angle; temperature response; -0.04 ± 0.04% per °C; response
time: minimum of 1.0 m s-1; non-linearity: below 1% for
measures above 1,750 W m-2); ii) pyranometer MQ-200
(spectral reading range: 410 to 655 nm (considering a
maximum of 50% wavelengths in this range); directional
response (cosine effect): 5% up to 75° of zenith angle;
temperature response; 0.06 ± 0.06% per °C; response time:
minimum of 1.0 m s-1; non-linearity: below 1% for measures
above 3,000 μmol m-2 s-1 of Apogee; and iii) lux meter (LD-
200 - Instrutherm). These sensors were fixed in a leveled
metal platform at 1.50 m height inside and at 0.50 m above
each unit (aboveground nursery).
Solar radiation was measured in the summer solstice
(December 22, 2018) and winter solstice (June 22, 2019),
when the solar declination ) is equal to -23.45 and 23.45°;
in the autumnal equinox (March 21, 2019) and spring equinox
(September 21, 2019), when δ = 0°; and in the local zenithal
culmination (𝜙 -11.85°) on February 18, 2019 and October
20, 2019, between 7h00min and 17h00min (local solar time),
in external (above) and internal (inside) conditions of each
aboveground nursery, with maximum intervals of 2 minutes
from each other to minimize the hour angle effects. Three
readings (replications) were carried out for each time of the
day, date, and protected environment.
MayJun Jul
Rainfall Reference evapotranspiration
Rainfall (mm month
Reference evapotranspiration (mm month
Maximum Mean Minimum
Maximum Mean Minimum
Air temperature (°C)
Air relative humidity (%)
Global radiation
Global radiation (MJ m
Insolation (hours day
Borella et al.
Nativa, Sinop, v. 9, n. 5, p. 612-627, 2021.
The data were analyzed for consistency, and different
values were excluded due to reading errors generated by the
data acquisition system or by atmospheric instability (cloudy
sky), as the case of some times in September and October.
The irradiance at the top of the atmosphere (I0) was obtained
and, then, the coefficient of atmospheric transmissivity (KT)
was determined by the ratio between global irradiance (IG)
and irradiance at the top of the atmosphere (I0).
The transmissivity of IG, IPAR, and luminance under the
polyolefin screens were obtained by the ratio between
readings of the variable inside and outside the protected
environments. The percentage of transmission, reflection,
and absorption of the irradiances were calculated based on
the incident and reflected data found for each shading screen.
2.3. Statistical models to estimate IG, IPAR, and
The hourly instantaneous values of IG, IPAR, and
luminance in shading conditions were grouped into two
databases: one with 70% of the total data for calibration of
statistical coefficients of models (with dates of December 22;
March 21; September 21, and October 20), and other with
30% of the data for validation of statistical performance of
estimation models (with the dates of February 18 and June
22). Simple linear regressions (y = a + b x) were used between
internal IG, IPAR, and luminance (dependent variable) and
external IG, IPAR, and luminance (independent variable) for
each shading condition.
The statistical performance of the generated models was
evaluated using the following indicators: mean square error
(MSE) (Eq. 1), root mean square error (RMSE) (Eq. 2) and
fit of the Willmott index (dw) (Eq. 3) (SOUZA et al., 2017).
MSE = | |
 (01)
𝑅MSE = 󰇣( )
 󰇤. (02)
𝑑w = 1 ( )
(|󰆒 
||󰆒 
 (03)
where: 𝑃 is the estimated values; 𝑂 is the measured values; 𝑛 is the
number of observations; |𝑃′| is the absolute value of the
difference 𝑃′ 𝑂
; and |𝑂′| is the absolute value of the difference
𝑂′ 𝑂
The fractions of IPAR and luminance (independent
variable) in relation to IG (variable dependent) were
determined using linear regressions with grouping of data
from black screens with different porosities and from
photoselective screens with the same porosity.
The atmospheric conditions in the zenithal culmination
dates for the latitude -11.85° are presented in the Table 1.
There was 0.2 mm rainfall at the evening of October 20,
2019, when the atmospheric transmissivity was lower than
0.35, i.e., a cloudy sky (ESCOBEDO et al., 2009). This
atmospheric condition hindered the instantaneous
measurements of IG, IPAR, and luminance between 15h00min
and 17h00min in that date (Figures 2 to 4K-L).
Table 1. Daily rainfall, air temperature, relative air humidity, global radiation, and insolation in different dates of solar declination, in Sinop,
MT, Brazil.
Tabela 1. Valores diários de precipitação, temperatura do ar, umidade relativa do ar, radiação global e insolação nas diferentes datas de
declinação solar, em Sinop, MT, Brasil.
Date Rainfall Air temperature (°C) Relative air humidity (%) Global radiation Insolation
(mm) Mean
Maximum Minimum Mean
Maximum Minimum (MJ m-2 d-1) (hours)
0 27.55 36.50 21.50 71.19 95.00 34.00 18.67 7.10
02/18/2019 0 25.81 32.46 21.56 83.50 99.20 49.94 20.85 9.30
0 26.20 33.29 22.23 87.10 97.72 60.81 14.65 5.00
0 29.94 34.66 20.43 46.80 94.94 32.94 17.65 10.40
09/21/2019 0 28.35 38.97 22.45 63.87 94.94 32.94 15.72 5.80
10/20/2019 0.2 27.49 35.74 22.35 71.98 94.90 39.70 17.74 5.30
3.1. Diurnal and seasonal evolution of solar radiation
through shading screens
The global and photosynthetically active irradiances and
the luminance presented similar dynamics throughout the
day, regardless of the microenvironment (full-sun conditions
and under shading screens) and the different solar
declinations for the same latitude (-11.85°). The highest
peaks of incidence of solar radiation occurred by 12h00min
and the lowest at sunrise and sunset, 07:00 and 17h00min,
respectively (Figures 2, 3, and 4), due to variations in the
zenith angle.
The highest incident energy levels in full-sun conditions
at approximately the solar mid-day (IG > 1000 W m-2, IPAR >
2000 μmol m-2 s-1, and luminance > 60.000 lux) were found
during the rainy season, in the summer solstice, autumnal
equinox, and at the local solar culmination, whereas the
lowest energy levels were found in the dry and dry-rainy
seasons (winter solstice and spring equinox, respectively).
The increase in black polyolefin screen shading level
gradually decreased the IG, IPAR, and luminance inside the
microenvironments in all dates (declinations) considered in
this study. Contrastingly, in the qualitative analysis, the black
polyolefin screen, thermo-reflector screen, and red, blue, and
green polyolefin screens, all with 50% shading, presented
similar IG transmissivity values; a higher transmissivity of IPAR
and luminance was found for the black polyolefin screen
when compared to the other colored screens with the same
shading percentage (Figures 3 and 4).
3.2. Solar radiation transmission, reflection, and
absorption through shading screens
The values of coefficient of atmospheric transmissivity
(KT) of global radiation ranged from 0.43 in October to 0.69
in February (rainy season), and from 0.67 in June to 0.54 in
September (dry season), confirming the results of Souza et al.
(2016), who found intervals of monthly KT ranging from 0.43