Borella et al.
Nativa, Sinop, v. 9, n. 5, p. 612-627, 2021.
Solar radiation is the main source of energy that regulates
physical, biochemical, and physiological processes of earthly
components; it determines the microclimate, mainly
modulating temperatures, air humidity, and soil moisture, is
responsible for energy exchanges in the water-soil-plant-
atmosphere system, and is essential for ecophysiological
responses of plants, which reflects in crop yields and product
The availability of energy that reaches the earth surface is
dependent on astronomical (solar declination), atmospheric
(cloudiness, air humidity, and atmospheric turbidity), and
geographical factors that determine spatial and temporal
variations in solar radiation incidence (TERAMOTO et al.,
2019). In addition, the atmosphere composition (gases,
aerosols, water vapor, dust, and particulate matter) affects the
transmissivity of solar radiation, and the clouds are the main
reductors because they absorb specific wavelengths (infrared)
and reflect and diffuse (anisotropically) most solar radiation
(SOUZA, et al., 2016; PALÁCIOS et al., 2018).
The transitional region between the Cerrado and Amazon
biomes in northern state of Mato Grosso, Brazil, has high
mean monthly global radiation, from 16.56 ± 2.82 MJ m-2
day-1 (February, rainiest month in the region) to 21.17 ± 0.83
MJ m-2 day-1 (October), with higher atmospheric
transmissivity and solar radiation in the dry season, between
May and October (SOUZA et al., 2016). It is estimated that
a fraction of this global radiation (40% to 45%) consists of
photosynthetically active radiation (between 400 and 700
nm), which corresponds to a good part of the visible range
of the electromagnetic spectrum (BERGAMASCHI;
BERGONCI, 2017) and is responsible for activating
photosynthetic process in plants (WANG et al., 2015; WU et
al., 2019).
Excess or lack of solar radiation can be harmful to
different groups of plant species; moreover, they affect flows
of latent heat (evapotranspiration) and sensitive heat (air
temperature) (AHMED et al., 2016). Direct incidence of
global solar radiation on plants can cause significant changes
to their biochemical, physiological, and morphogenic
processes (ZHANG; ZHANG, 2017; WU et al., 2019),
oxidative stress, compromised photosynthetic activity and
structural and metabolic changes in chloroplasts are some of
the damage caused by the combination of high light and heat
stress (BALFAGÓN et al., 2019).Therefore, the use of
protected environments for agricultural crops and forest
species in regions of adverse climate conditions has been
increasingly studied, focused on improving yields and quality
of species that present difficulties for production in specific
seasons of the year or regions (HOLCMAN; SENTELHAS,
2012; AHMED et al., 2019; TANG et al., 2020; BORELLA
et al., 2020a).
The use of white plastic screens in greenhouses with
artificial or natural ventilation (AHMED et al., 2019), in
nebulization or evaporative cooling systems (AHMED et al.,
2016), and in energy system with solar photovoltaic modules
(TANG et al., 2020) predominates among the protected crop
systems. However, other plastic materials with different
physical characteristics (chemical composition, porosity,
color, and density) have been used alone or combined with
plastic screens (KOTILAINEN et al., 2018; CHOAB et al.,
Some ecophysiological studies have investigated
microclimate dynamics and effects of using photoselective
screens (aluminized or thermo reflectors, red, blue, green,
and black) on the growth and development of plants and
found promising results (HOLCMAN; SENTELHAS, 2012;
MONTEIRO et al., 2016; MAHMOOD et al., 2018;
SABINO et al., 2020; BORELLA et al., 2020a,b).
Nevertheless, a better understanding of microclimate
dynamics in these protected environments is important for
different regions and seasons of the year, since the choosing
of the adequate type of screen and percentage of shading
(porosity) is dependent on the species, cultivar, and local
climate conditions (ABDEL-GHANY, 2015; AHMED et al.,
2016; STATUTO et al., 2020).
Information on micrometeorological dynamics within
protected environments is essential for the planning and
development of hydro-agricultural activities, crop
management, and selection of agricultural and forest species
better adapted to local environmental conditions, focusing
on reducing costs, saving water, and increasing production.
The use of shading screens in hot regions decreases the
harmful effects caused by high irradiance on plants
(AHMED et al., 2016; ZHANG; ZHANG, 2017;
BORELLA et al., 2020b), providing a more uniform
distribution of temperature and relative air humidity under
shaded environments (AHMED et al., 2019; BORELLA et
al., 2021), reducing the water vapor pressure deficit (CHOAB
et al., 2019) and, consequently, the water demand of plants
(MONTEIRO et al., 2016; BORELLA et al., 2020a). In
addition, it forms a physical protection barrier against insects-
pest (MAHMOOD et al., 2018). Thus, shading is a simple
and low-cost method regarding implementation and
maintenance (ABDEL-GHANY et al., 2015).
However, controlling climate variables in these
environments is a complex and dynamic process that
depends on external conditions (HOLCMAN;
SENTELHAS, 2012) and a monitoring routine. Moreover,
the implementation costs of monitoring routine systems with
sensors and data acquisition systems (dataloggers) can be
high. Thus, micrometeorological information under
protected environments with no sensors can be obtained by
using simplified statistical models based on weather variables
under full-sun environmental conditions and that allow the
estimation of a variable of interest, such as solar radiation,
with a high degree of accuracy (SOUZA et al., 2017; ROSSI
et al., 2018; TERAMOTO et al., 2019).
Therefore, the objectives of this work were to describe
the diurnal and seasonal evolution, determine the radiometric
ratios, and fit statistic models for estimating global irradiance
(IG), photosynthetically active irradiance (IPAR), and
luminance (Lux) through shading screens with different
physical and spectral characteristics. The evaluations were
carried out in different crop seasons, in a tropical climate
region of Brazil, to obtain tools to subsidize agricultural and
forest production projects.
2.1. Study region and implementation
The study was conducted in a transitional region between
the Cerrado and Amazon biomes, in Sinop, Mato Grosso
(MT), Brazil (11°51'50"S, 55°29'08"W and 384 meters of
altitude). The region presents an Aw climate (tropical hot and
wet), according to the Köppen classification (SOUZA et al.,