Schettini et al.
Nativa, Sinop, v. 9, n. 5, p. 567-572, 2021.
The list can provide bases for indicating more resistant
species, which can decrease costs associated with replanting
and maintenance in carbon neutralization projects. In the
present study there is no pattern of attack according to the
level of ecological succession of the species, and it is not
possible to generalize based on this question. The mean of
severity varied between species, which indicates selective
foraging (COSTA et al., 2019; COSTA et al., 2017).
The number of species classified as indicated for GHG
neutralization plantations were 24, and 22 were classified as
not indicated. The group of species with DI between 0.04
and 0.39 can be seen as an indicator of the species that should
be used primarily in places where leaf-cutter ants are an
ecological filter to be overcome.
The behavior of ants is variable, which are classified as
generalists (BEGON; TOWNSEND, 2021), and as selectives
(WIRTH et al., 2007), according to the species preference. In
the current study, it was observed that leaf-cutter ants cut
leaves from most species, but the foraging was not the same
among them. These results show a behavior that is better
explained by the optimal foraging theory, where leaf-cutter
ants collect from all potential food sources so that the
colonies can have an idea of food distribution and, thus, they
become aware of the best cost-benefit choices, that is, many
plant species are visited by ants, but foraging is not
concentrated in all of them (BEGON; TOWNSEND, 2021).
Based on this behavior, the diet of leaf-cutter ants is
influenced by the richness of species in the plant community,
in other words, the more diverse the community is, more
species will be included in the foraging (DEL-CLARO;
TOREZAN-SILINGARDI, 2012). The differences in the
frequency and intensity of attacks between species are
probably related to evolutionary aspects in plant defense
(KOST et al., 2011).
Schinus molle, Schinus terebinthifolia, Pseudopiptadenia contorta,
Copaifera langsdorffii, Cariniana legalis, Platonia insignis and
Astronium urundeuva are species with DI less than 0.04 and that
are indicated for mixed plantations. They were also classified
in another group of species, because they may have potential
for studies to discover natural insecticides, taking into
account the natural rejection of ants by these species.
The species Adenanthera pavonina, Pachira glabra,
Citharexylum myrianthum, Ceiba speciosa, Cybistax antisyphilitica,
Dalbergia brasiliensis, Enterolobium contortisiliquum, Gallesia
integrifolia, Genipa americana, Handroanthus serratifolius,
Handroanthus chrysotrichus, Ilex cerasifolia, Inga vera, Joannesia
princeps, Lecythis pisonis, Metrodorea nigra, Piptadenia gonoacantha,
Samanea inopinata, Sapindus saponaria, Senna macranthera, Pleroma
granulosum, Zeyherya tuberculosa with DI greater than 0.60,
should be avoided. It is recommended to avoid these species
in plantations for carbon neutralization in areas with intense
attack of leaf-cutter ants.
The presence of specific toxic constituents such as
saponins or aluminum also influences the foraging of leaf-
cutter ants (FOLGARAIT et al., 1996). Less attacked species,
with DI below 0.04, such as anacardiaceae Schinus molle,
Schinus terenbinthifolia, Astronium urundeuva and the Copaifera
langsdorffii, Cariniana legalis and Garcinia gardneriana, may be an
indicative of species that contain those compounds, as they
are naturally avoided by leaf cutting ants.
Centrolobium tomentosum, Psidium cattleyanum, Paubrasilia
echinata, Sterculia striata, Andira anthelmia and Colubrina
glandulosa were classified in the group of those moderately
indicated with DI between 0.60 and 0.40. Plantations aiming
to neutralize GHG emissions from any activity are effective,
and the choice of species with greater resistance to ant attack
contributes to a greater success of these plantations. This fact
reinforces the need to conduct studies that relate the
susceptibility of forest species to the damage caused by leaf-
cutter ants.
Most species (98.3%) are attacked by leaf-cutter ants and
the mean of severity varied, indicating selective foraging. This
makes it possible to classify the species in: 29 in the group of
those not indicated, and within this group 7 of the species
have potential for the extraction of chemical compounds, 6
in the group of moderately indicated, 24 in the group of
indicated, which proves the selectivity of trees species by leaf-
cutter ants. The use of species resistant to the attack of leaf-
cutter ants should be prioritized to the carbon neutralization
project become more successful. On the contrary, those most
susceptible species should be avoided.
There are species very resistant or species that are not
attacked by leaf-cutter ants. Thus, these species can provide
efficient active ingredients in the fight against leaf-cutter ants,
so these species can be the target of biochemical and
physiological investigations in the search for new
formulations of insecticides on the market.
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