
  • Gisele de Oliveira Ribeiro dos Santos
    Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica
  • Matheus Henrique dos Santos
    Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Alexandre Palma
    Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro




Gender; Structural Machismo; Domains of Physical Activity; Vigitel, Gender, Structural Machism, Domains of Physical Activity, Vigitel


Machism is a social creation, understood as a system of domination, which imposes social positions on both men and women, in addition to reinforcing inequality between genders. These social positions can interfere with the practice of physical activity at different times of the day, such as free time, work and household chores. Thus, the objective of this study was to verify the distribution of the practice of physical activities, between men and women, based on data collected in the Vigitel System 2021 and 2022. Data were collected referring to the practice of physical activities in the domains of free time, occupational and household, as well as the sex of the participants (n= 23,634). The data collected made it possible to observe different behaviors in the three domains investigated, to which women are more vulnerable to carry out physical activities in their free time, at the same time that they carry out more physical activities at home, characteristic of a sexist society.


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How to Cite

Santos, G. de O. R. dos, Santos, M. H. dos ., & Palma, A. (2024). PRACTICE OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES BETWEEN MEN AND WOMEN IN VIGITEL 2021 AND 2022: REFLECTIONS ON STRUCTURAL MACHISM. Corpoconsciência, 28, e17876.

